Chapter 15: Surgery Superheroes

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I made my way down the steps carefully, as to not hurt my knee further. I smelled something cooking from the kitchen, so I went there. I saw Harry bent over the stove, very concentrated on what he was cooking. Hahaha. I snuck up and gave him jumper cables. He jumped back, yelping and pushing my hands away. I laughed at his response as he turned and glared at me. I smiled and headed to the fridge. I pulled out the milk and looked around at the cabinets. Where are the cups?

Harry laughed at me before pulling open one of the cabinets and handing me a cup. I smiled at him and poured the milk in my glass. I took a big sip and wiped my mouth. I didn't want a milk mustache. I walked into the lounge to see Zayn lying on the ground in between the two couches. I sat on the couch, looking out the huge window out into the city of London. I had finished my milk by the time all the boys were awake. Louis told me to put on a new pair of sweats and a different shirt. As he turned around I made a face at him, making Niall burst out in laughter. I walked into my room and decided on an old basketball camp tee shirt and navy blue sweatpants. I slipped on some flip flops and headed back downstairs.

"Finally. Let's go get you better!" Louis exclaimed, running up behind me and scooping me up, somehow still keeping his quick speed. I squeaked in surprise as he almost slammed my head into the door frame. Liam chased after Louis, trying to get him to slow down, and Niall was chasing after Liam 'cause he wanted food, and Zayn was chasing after Niall so he could fix his hair, and Harry was shouting how nobody had their phones. We were just one big train of running people. Louis placed me in his Porsche and hopped in the driver's seat. It was weird being on the left side instead of the right, and driving on the opposite side of the road as in America, but it was just another thing I had to get used to.

He pulled into the hospital parking lot and picked me up again. He walked into the office and headed right to the elevator. He pushed a button and I saw the doors close and felt the familiar sensation of being lifted. It stopped and he turned to the left, heading to the secretary. "Jamie, er, Tomlinson?" She nodded and led him into a separate room. He laid me on the bed and I had a déjà vu moment. I was back in the hospital. Louis started talking. "So, you'll have to wear a brace for about six weeks, and your jaw will be wired again for about two weeks and then you'll have a cast on your wrist." I nodded. I had to get my jaw wired again. The doctor came in and said something in a quiet voice to Lou. The latter sighed and looked over at me. "Jamie, you have to go in for surgery right now, and the boys and I won't be here when you get out. I'm sorry, love, we have that radio interview." I smiled and nodded.

"You're busy people, I understand, Dad. What time will you get back?" He checked something on his phone and looked back at me. "We should be back by three-thirty. That's only a half an hour after you get out of surgery."

"And I'll be under anesthesia right? That means I won't wake up after surgery right away. So I'll be good." The doctor nodded and motioned for a nurse to come in. She put the mask for the anesthesia over my mouth and told me to breathe in. I smiled at Louis and he winked back before I felt myself drifting off. I was faintly aware of someone rolling my bed down a few hallways, but I just closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness.


Just the fact that we might not be there when Jamie woke up from her surgery made us all angry. We promised her we'd be there and then management had to butt in and make us go to the hour-long interview. We could just have a fifteen-minute one where Louis explained how he adopted Jamie and we would be out of there. But no, we had to actually be social when our daughter was in surgery. Like seriously, who does that?

The interviewer must have noticed the tense energy in the air because she didn't bother with the "Who's single?" or questions like those. She went right to the point. "Now, Louis, the paparazzi have seen you carrying this girl around. Any answers to who she is?"

"She's my, well, our, adopted daughter. The Make-A-Wish Foundation in America had asked her what her wish was when she was in the hospital with an extremely rare form of stomach cancer. She asked to meet us. We went and spent a few days with her and her friend. On one of the last days there, her friend suddenly went into a coma and unfortunately did not come out of that coma. We stayed for the funeral, and that day she found out she was cancer-free and could go to school. It was there that she received daily bullying.

"Three months later, we were Skyping as usual when she went to pick up brush and started crying. She had gotten her wrist broken. We told her we were going to adopt her and her mother agreed. When I arrived to take her to airport I found beat up, further than she was two days before, and nearly unconscious. We brought her here and now she is in surgery to fix her knee and get her jaw wired."

The lady was silent through all of this. Then she spoke. "Well, it seems to me that you five should be at the hospital and not here. Thank you for coming even though you had personal issues. I'm sure Directioners everywhere will be pleased to hear about the new member of the 1D family." She shook our hands and let us leave. Liam and Niall went in my car and Louis and Zayn were together.

We pulled up to the hospital and ran to the elevator, giving the secretary a brief wave or nod. Louis pressed a button and soon we were pushing and shoving to get into the hallway. Louis told us her room number and I ran down three hallways before I finally found it. I opened the door to see it empty. I turned to Louis. "She's still in surgery, Haz, it's okay." Then we sat there in silence. All the boys were either on their phones or talking quietly. I just tried to go to sleep. Stress and sleepiness don't mix well. I must have drifted off because soon enough I heard the boys' chatter gt louder and I cracked open my eyes. Jamie was sitting up in the hospital bed with a cast on her wrist and a small smile on her face.

I looked at her knee. There were stitches across the front of it and her brace was big and bulky. It was two pieces of metal with elastic on both sides of it. It looked like there was fabric on the inside and back of it to make it more comfortable. All the boys were trying to talk to her, and she tried not to move her mouth. I sat up and wiped my eyes. She saw the movement and looked up and smiled wider. Zayn whispered something in her ear and she laughed quietly.

I looked around at the room. The rest of the boys had bright smiles on their faces and nobody seemed to want to ruin the mood in any way.


When I finally opened my eyes, I was surprised to see all the boys spread out across the hospital room. Harry was curled up in a chair sleeping and the rest of the boys were having a quiet conversation. I coughed a little bit, not liking the metallic taste in my mouth. They all looked up and surrounded me. Soon Harry woke up and Zayn whispered in my ear. "The monster has awakened. Run!" I laughed and saw Harry giving me a funny look before looking around the room. Everyone was smiling... until I realized I didn't have long sleeves on. My eyes widened. Hopefully no one had seen the cuts. Then Niall grabbed my hand. Crap.

He looked at my wrist then up at me. Then back at my wrist. And at me. By then he had attracted the attention of all the boys. Their jaws dropped. Liam looked at my other wrist, which was covered with my cast. I nodded, ashamed. I looked down at my knee, studying the brace. Someone lifted my chin with their finger. It was Harry. His green eyes looked broken and I knew all the boys felt the same. They probably hated me.

He wrapped his arms around me, rocking back and forth lightly. I hugged him back and rested my head on his shoulder. It was an awkward position, considering he was standing and I was sitting. He pulled back and kissed the top of my head. I looked at the rest of the boys. They looked like they wanted to do the same. Liam jumped up first. He repeated Harry's action. Then Louis. Then Niall. Then Zayn. I felt like I was actually loved and that I fit in. I smiled gratefully up at them.

Louis spoke. "Why? Why did you feel like you had to do that?" I looked down. "I just felt alone, and it helped. I know now that I have always had you guys. And thanks for that. But I'll need help to stop. I just hope you know that." They all nodded simultaneously. Creepy. Then the doctor came in. "Jamie? You can leave now, but you'll need to be onn crutches for the first four weeks and after that you just need to take it easy. Here are your crutches and you have an appointment in two weeks to get the wire removed and then four weeks after that to check your knee."

He handed me crutches and I stood up, thankful that they had not made me change into a hospital gown. I led the boys out of the room, maneuvering my crutches like a pro.

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