Chapter 18: I Got a Haircut!

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When the boys and I left Jamie's room, I was surprised to see Devyn walking downstairs. We quietly followed her and watched her head to the kitchen. I crept in and saw her taking out baking supplies. I silently backed away, letting the young girl have her space.

"She just got out baking supplies, I think we're safe." The boys smiled and we headed to the living room. I turned on the TV and saw that the Charlie Brown Christmas Special was on. I sat back and watched my favorite childhood movie.

I must have closed my eyes at some point because I was woken up by something warm being pulled over me. I cracked my eyes open to see Jamie looking down at me with a small smile on her face. I closed my eyes as I felt her kiss my forehead. "'Night you," she whispered before I heard her crutches click up the steps.

I wrapped the blanket tighter around me and laid my head on the pillow. She had said she loves me, she loves me like a father. I couldn't be happier. I felt myself drift away from the conscious world and got the first real sleep in a while.

(The next morning)

I cracked open my eyes, and immediately shut them again. The sunlight was shining through the large windows and I was momentarily blinded. When I felt woken up enough to sit up, I cracked my back, which was tight from sleeping on the couch last night. I made my way to the kitchen to see nothing but a note on the counter. Notes were never good.

Hey Louis!

We decided to let you sleep; you looked like you needed it! (: The boys have decided that Devyn and I were going to get our hair cut today....

Hope you don't miss us too much!

Love you-Jamie

Oh, so it was a good note. I started to make tea, but stopped when I looked at the time. It was ten o'clock. I had never slept this long. I yawned and continued to make the tea.

I sat down at the island and sipped the tea. The flat's door slammed open and I could hear the laughter of Jamie as she told the boys to be quiet, I might be sleeping. They quieted down and I walked over.

"I'm not asleep, you don't have to be... whoa! Look at your hair! It's gorgeous!" I cut myself off when I saw Jamie's hair. It was still in a short cut, but now she had black and blonde mixed in with her naturally dark brown hair. It looked really awesome. I looked at Devyn's hair. It looked the same, just a little bit shorter.

"Thanks. I wasn't so sure about getting the black mixed in, but I guess it looks good." I wrapped my arms around her, which somehow ended in us being the center of a group hug.

"Er, guys, can't breathe!" Jamie gasped out. Everybody stopped hugging us and backed about a foot away.

"So, are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"Well, if you're thinking about taking a shower, then yes," Jamie said.

"No, I meant we can decorate for Christmas since it is in thirteen days!" I yelled.

"Yes! We should do that! Please please please can we do that?" Jamie said, pulling a puppy-dog face.

"Yea, that's why I suggested it." She squealed and started jumping up and down, stopping immediately, and I could tell she was in pain from the look on her face.

"I forgot my knee was hurt," she whispered before burying her face in my chest. I soothed her and rubbed her back while she tried to stop crying. "Wait, Jamie... Where are your crutches?" I asked.

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