Chapter 9: School Time!

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I looked at her message. Was it possible for cancer to go away, just like that? I mean, sure, the medicine can work and stuff, but, she was sick five days ago. I asked Liam this.

"Well, yea, it can happen. Just because she was sick five days ago, doesn't mean that she can't get better because of the medicine." This calmed my nerves somewhat. I knew all the boys were worried about Jamie, just like I was. Niall told us her story on the limo ride away from the hospital, about how her friends abandoned her and told people to stay away from her. As I climbed the steps up to the plane, I realized how much I took life and fame for granted.


I had just unpacked my stuff and was getting settled back into my room when my mom walked in.

"You're going to school in two days, for the third week of school." I just realized that I had been missing school. It had been five weeks since I first went to the hospital, and in those five weeks, I had gained and lost a best friend, learned how important living was, learned I could be a role model for little kids, and met One Direction. Wow, I can accomplish a lot in thirty-five days. Now, I had two days to prepare myself to see everyone. Meaning everyone. I got an outfit out and looked in the mirror, debating whether or not to wear a bandana or to wear a wig. I decided on a bandana then went on my laptop to check my Twitter.

I went on Skype to see Zayn video calling me. I answered, only to see his face, covered in whipped cream. I gave him a strange look and he started to explain.

"I was sitting next to Harry, stupid choice, I know. I fell asleep like, ten minutes into the flight, and now it's almost over, and I woke up like this."

"Why don't you wash it off then?" Wasn't this the obvious answer?

"Why didn't I think of that?" He got up and I got to see how interesting the back of the seat was. Note sarcasm. He finally came back and his face was no longer white. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to leave you hanging. Is the seat interesting?"

"Not really. Where are the other boys?"

"Oh, I see how it is. You just want to see everybody but me," he replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"No, I was wondering where Louis was, 'cause he's not here giving me a headache." He laughed.

"Yea, well, if you're dying to see them, here they are." He turned the camera and I immediately saw the four of them waving at me. I waved back.

"Wait, were they just hiding behind the camera?" I mean, they were just standing there, weren't they?

"Pretty much." The others came over and surrounded him, somehow all fitting on the screen.

"So how's the flight?"

"Boring!" Louis shouted, only to be "shh'd" by the others.

"Only you, Louis, only you."

"What about you? And school?" Harry asked. I sighed. Of course they would as this.

"Um, well, I, um. I'm nervous."

"Why are you nervous, love?"

"Just facing everybody again. And I'm in high school and I missed freshman orientation. So I have no clue as to where anything is."

"Just ask someone. So, what are you wearing?" Louis asked, bouncing up and down. I pulled out the skinny jeans and shirt. The jeans were dark wash, and the shirt was short sleeve belly-length, with green thin stripes and I wore it over a green tank top. I was going to wear sandals or something with it. "Oh, my, gosh. That is adorable!" Louis squealed. I just rolled my eyes.

"Hat, bandana, wig, or plain, love?" Harry asked.

"I have a green bandana." He nodded.

"Well, we're going to land soon. Bye love!" Zayn said as they all waved. I barely had time to respond before they left. I looked at the clock to see it was nine o'clock. I turned out the light in my bedroom.


I woke up to my annoying alarm and slowly climbed out of bed. Today was the first day I went back to school. I was dreading it. I put on my outfit and went downstairs to get breakfast. I had an English muffin with eggs. I finished breakfast and went to finish getting ready. I tied on my bandana and put on some makeup. I put on mascara, lip gloss, and a little bit of cover up. I heard the bus pull up. I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs, grabbing my key on the way. I made it out to the bus and looked for an empty seat. There was only one, next to the bus monitor. She gave me a smile and I sat next to her. She obviously didn't recognize me.

"Why do you have a bandana on?" she whispered to me.

"I had cancer, just got out of the hospital two days ago." She nodded and looked back, towards where some of the older kids were sitting. We arrived at school and I got out. I went to the office to get my schedule.

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