Chapter 34: 'That's not nice!'

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I sat in the bed, still attached to the IV, as I waited for Ian to get there. A knock on the door sounded his arrival. Louis opened the door.

“Hey, Mr. Louis, Jamie’s there, right?” he asked, nervousness laced in his voice.

“Yea, come on in!” I rolled my eyes at Louis and smiled at Ian as he came in.

“Hey babe,” he said, grinning and sitting on the bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Hi,” I said quietly, afraid he would leave and hate me like Jake did the last time I was diagnosed.

“I’m gonna stick with you through all of this. I don’t care if you lose your hair, lose a ton of weight, I don’t care. You’ll still be beautiful to me, so don’t be insecure about yourself.”

He kissed my forehead and I blushed as I realized the boys had just witnessed that. I looked at Louis and saw him smiling at us. I just scooted closer to Ian and turned my attention to the TV.

It was a little while before the boys said they were going to the cafeteria, but I knew they were just giving us some time alone. They trusted us alone, so it was a regular occurrence.

As the door closed, I turned my body so I was sitting crisscross with my legs. He did the same and we just sat there in silence for a few minutes.

“Are you scared?” he asked.

“Not really. There’s a part of me that’s unsure about what I’m in for, but the other part of me knows that you and the boys will be there for me. Oh! Guess what!”

He grinned at my sudden change of subject. “What?”

“The guys from the show last night gave me all their numbers and told Liam to tell me to call them if I ever needed someone to talk to or something!”

“Who did you see again? Sorry, just combining information.”

“Black Veil Brides and Sleeping with Sirens were the headliners, with Pierce the Veil as one of the support acts. I met those members and they were the ones who gave Liam their numbers.”

“That’s great, love! I’m glad you had fun last night! But really, tell me what you’re feeling right now.”

“I’m extremely content. I wish cancer didn’t exist, but you can’t change what’s already happened. I’m gonna keep a positive outlook on things, and that doesn’t happen without supportive people behind you.”

“That’s sweet. I’m glad that you are keeping a smile on your face, but I can’t help but worry for you. What happens when the guys go on tour? Do you go with them? What if you can’t leave the hospital? Who do you stay with? These things have just been running through my mind since I saw the press conference on TV.”

I moved forward and pulled him into a hug. “Don’t worry about that. A time will come where we will have to worry about that, but right now I just want to enjoy my hair,” I complain with a smile on my face.

He ran one of his hands through my hair. “I will miss it, but I think you’d be cute with no hair.”

I pulled out my phone. There was a picture of me last year when I met the boys for the first time, when I had no hair. I showed him it and he nodded.

“I knew it! You are cute with no hair!” he shouted in victory. I rolled my eyes. “Is that like an American thing? Rolling your eyes?”

“I didn’t think so. Maybe you just didn’t have enough female attention before you met me?” I smirked as he pouted at me. I kissed him quickly on the lips, but still long enough to get the familiar spark. He blushed and smiled, motioning for me to scoot closer to him. I did so and we sat there for about twenty more minutes while we watched TV.

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