Chapter 14: Plane Ride Firsts

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I buckled the seatbelt as we taxied out to the runway, waiting to leave. I was worried about Jamie. We were all like her brothers/parents. But what happened that her face was even more bruised than on Friday? And why was Louis carrying her? As I was thinking this, I looked over at Jamie, who was talking to Louis nervously. He spoke with a smile on his face and she giggled at him. He looked up and mouthed 'first time' to me. Ohh, she was nervous because it was her first flight. He probably told her to do something silly to get her mind off of it.

As we sped down the runway, I looked over at them again, seeing Jamie start rubbing her stomach and patting her head, all while trying to keep a straight face as Louis made funny faces. Soon we were in the air and Lou pointed out the window to all the houses and cars that looked like ants. She looked fascinated and I was glad she got to experience something like this with us, her new family. I unlocked my phone and quickly took a picture of her without her noticing and posted it on Twitter, saying 'first time on a plane! Look how excited she is!' Then I tagged her and put the link to the picture. Her phone buzzed and she looked at it then glared at me. I shrugged innocently.


I felt tired soon after we had taken off. Louis looked over at me and seemed to sense I was tired and motioned for me to put my head on his shoulder. I tried to do so without bending my knee, but ended up turning my ankle, which moved my knee, and I had to bite back a whimper. I closed my eyes when I had rested my head on his shoulder, and soon fell asleep for the ten hour flight.

I felt someone repeatedly poke my cheek. I cracked open my eyes to see Zayn standing above me with a smirk on his face. I swatted his hand away and sat up, much to my knee's disapproval. It cracked loudly and sent a wave of pain up to my hip. Yeah, that hurt a little bit. Zayn looked at me with a worried expression before shaking Louis frantically. Louis woke with a start.

"What happened?"

"Her knee cracked!" Louis sat up instantly and looked at me. He looked questionable. I nodded.

"Does it hurt?" I nodded again. "Scale of one to ten?"

"Probably a nine, nine and a half." He shook his head, and asked Zayn how long until we were landing. "Twenty minutes. That's why I woke you guys up." Louis nodded happily.

"Oh, Jamie, you are going to have to have surgery on your knee. So, yeah. We'll get that done tomorrow, and you're going to St. Elizabeth's Hospital in London." I looked down at my knee. Stupid Luca. Stupid Jake. Stupid football team. I suddenly felt an extreme urge to cut. And then I felt guilty. I couldn't cut. The boys wouldn't let me. They cared too much.

Louis handed me a piece of gum. I looked at him questionably. "Chew it or your ears will pop and you'll have a headache." I obeyed him and put the fruit flavored gum in my mouth and started chewing it. I almost laughed when I realized the flavor was Strawberry Banana Dubble Bubble. Louis would have this flavor. Soon we started descending towards the runway. I felt nervous, like we were going to crash. I gripped the armrest tightly until we landed safely. I waited until they said we could unbuckle to unclip the seatbelt and look at Louis expectantly. He rolled his eyes playfully and picked me up.

We exited the plane to see a bunch of screaming girls and paparazzi. This is my life now, I thought. There were a bunch of security guards flanking us as we made our way to the limo that was waiting for us. I have to get used to this, limos taking us everywhere we go. We climbed in and I was shocked by how fast we got out of there. It was about five minutes before we stopped in front of their apartment, er, flat. This time Liam picked me up as Louis unlocked the door to his flat. We walked in and I was shocked by how clean it was. It wasn't like Louis and Harry were messy, it just seemed like there would be stuff out; this looked like it had just been cleaned and sprayed with a whole can of Pledge.

Liam took me up to what was, I guessed, my room. He opened the door and I was shocked. The room was perfect. It was baby blue and my name was in white above the bed. I was tongue-tied. Liam placed me on my feet and I limped around, looking at everything. Louis walked through the door. He looked surprised to see me on my feet, but smiled when he saw my face. "Thank you so much Dad!!!!" I hadn't had a dad since I was six, I figured I was allowed to call him dad; he hadn't said anything against it.

He just gave me a gentle hug and that's when I realized my arm was broken. I hadn't really used it, so I guess that's why it didn't hurt. I questioned Louis about what time my surgery was, and he said it was at ten in the morning. I told him I was gonna get changed and he left me alone, saying he had gone out and bought me clothes. I nodded and looked through my closet. I found a ton of clothes. I ended up picking a pair of sweats and a tight long-sleeve tee shirt. I limped downstairs to see all of the boys sitting in the lounge, watching something on the TV way too interested for it to be something boring. I looked at the TV and saw a picture of Louis carrying me out of the airplane. I sighed, looking at the boys. "It's okay Jamie. We're gonna have an interview tomorrow after you're done with your surgery clearing everything up," Harry said comfortingly. He had been unusually quiet. I went over and sat on his lap, which seemed to brighten his mood a little bit and that was when I realized, I had been ignoring everybody but Louis. I immediately felt bad.

I felt a shooting pain hit my knee and I realized I had moved to sit on my leg. I moved my leg back. That hurt more than other time. I felt tears come to my eyes. I blinked rapidly, hoping they wouldn't leak out. But Niall saw. He came over wrapped his arms around me in a gentle, comforting hug. I leaned into it; Horan hugs were the best, no doubt about it. He rubbed my back and I knew that these boys would never let me get hurt again. They were all too protective.

I released Niall and looked up to see Liam and Zayn looking sad. I went over and gave them both separate hugs. Nobody was getting left out. They were my family now. I was glad I had people who cared.

I looked at the TV to see Louis had changed it to High School Musical 2. I screamed and jumped onto the couch, shushing everybody even though no one was talking. "This is my favorite movie ever!" I answered the silent question. Then Sharpay started singing Fabulous. I sang along and was vaguely aware of Louis recording it on his phone, but I didn't care. The song ended and I saw all the boys with their phones out. I just rolled my eyes.

I guess I fell asleep at some point during the movie because I woke up in my room, tucked into my covers. I stretched and checked the time. It was eight o'clock. I had my surgery in two hours. I shook off the nerves and got out of bed.

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