Chapter 26: Is she gonna sneak out?

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January 2nd, 2013

The first day of (home) school

I walked down the steps, already aware that I started homeschool today. Louis had made sure of that when he woke me up by jumping on my bed. While screaming. Yup, I live a normal life. I was now making waffles and eggs for myself because the boys had to go to an interview or something.

I sat down at the island; soaking in the silence that I knew wouldn’t last long. I finished up my breakfast and got out my laptop, books, and some pencils. I signed into the website with my lesson plans, notes, and study guides on it. I clicked on Algebra and opened my book, preparing myself mentally for all the work I’d have to catch up on.

Nine hours later (5 PM)

I closed my Chemistry book, sighing in relief as I did so. Nine hours and I had finally finished all the work I needed to do for today and the past few weeks. Nine hours- during which I was sure I was going to die- that the boys weren’t home. I picked up the landline and dialed Louis’ cell number.


“Hey, Dad. Um, are you and the boys gonna be home for dinner? ‘Cause if you are, I could probably make dinner, but if not, y’know, I could just heat up something…” I asked, trailing off at the end.

“No, no, I think we’ll be home for dinner, in fact, we’ll be there in twenty. That sound good?”

“Yup, see you then!”

“Bye, Jamie.”

I decided then to make Italian chicken and broccoli. I pulled out the Parmesan cheese, ingredients to make the sauce, chicken, and pasta. I could put the broccoli in at the last minute, seeing as it wasn’t life threatening if you ate it raw.

I boiled the water while searing the chicken on a pan. I placed it in the preheated oven, briefly stirring the sauce that was sitting next to the water. I decided the pasta I had put on was done and ran it through the strainer. I was now focusing on the sauce and broccoli. I was steaming the broccoli when the timer for the chicken went off.

I balanced the tray on the sink when the front door opened. “Hey boys! Dinner should be ready in about five minutes, so go wash your hands and stuff!” I yelled before chuckling at how I sounded like a parent to them, who were five or more years older than me. They shouted their responses while I pulled out six plates, dishing out pasta, then two pieces of chicken, some broccoli, and the sauce and sprinkled the cheese on top of all of them.

Satisfied with my work, I carried the plates out, two at a time, and set the table. I poured water for everyone and started to do a little bit of clean up in the kitchen. “Oh my gosh, Jamie! What did you make?” Harry asked. I walked to the dining room.

“Just Italian chicken and broccoli. Well, and pasta, but that’s a given, considering its Italian. Eat!! I’ll be in in a sec.”

They nodded and sat at the table while I stacked my books and computer on the side of the island before walking back to the boys. “Do you like it?” They all nodded; their mouths too full to speak.

“Where did you learn to cook like this?” Louis asked after he had swallowed.

“Well, it’s pretty basic, but I learned this recipe when I was like eleven or twelve, when my, uh my mom was dating a guy who worked in a restaurant, and he taught me how to make it.” He nodded, somehow sensing I didn’t really want to talk about it.

I sat down at my spot, in between Zayn and Liam, and started eating. I finished just after the boys and took all the plates to the kitchen.

“Jamie! Go sit down, we’re doing the dishes tonight. Go get a shower or something, kay?” Louis told me. I nodded walking up the steps and into my room.

After she got a shower [I didn’t really want to go into detail there (:]

I ran a comb through my wet hair before pulling it into a messy bun. I slipped some socks on  my feet and walked downstairs, where all the boys were sitting in the living room. I sat on the couch next to Zayn, crossing my legs under me.

“Hi!” I said to all of them, who were just looking at me.

“Hello!” Niall replied.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

“Nothing right now. What do you want to do?” Liam asks.

“Twitcam!” I say excitedly. “I’ve never actually done one of those, well I tried one, but nobody watched it. So yeah! Twitcam!”

“Ok, Liam, you do them most often, you announce it!” Louis says. Liam pulls out his phone, typing a few things and putting it away when my phone buzzed. I checked it to see a mention from Liam. He was now setting up the laptop we had so we would all be in view of the camera. He pressed a button before coming to sit next to Zayn and that was when I noticed all the boys wereeither standing or sitting around the couch.

“Hi guys! One Direction here, with our sister, Jamie!” I waved to the camera as Liam announced me.  The comments flooded in and I smiled when I realized I was being accepted by most of the fandom. There were a few comments saying that I was ugly or something, but I ignored them, having gotten used to them over the four months I had known the boys.

We sat there for about an hour before the boys decided that they had been on enough. We said our goodbyes and Liam turned off the webcam. I stood up and sat back down quickly, getting head rush. I got up slower and was able to walk into the kitchen.

I grabbed a granola bar out of the pantry and peeled off the wrapper, tossing it in the trash can. I walked back out to the others and sat on the couch. “So what’s  on TV tonight?” I asked Louis, taking a few bites of the yummy bar while we talked.

“Nothing much, considering today’s Wednesday.”

“Okay then. Well, I’m bored. What do you normally do?” I asked, considering this was the first normal night we had had since I got here.

“Well normally we’ve been in the studio, but during the week we just hang out.”

“Okay. So I am going to go up in my room now, that alright?” He nodded and I left the room.

As I walked into my room, I realized that I was actually really tired from the work that I had done during the day, and decided to go to bed.  I called down the steps to Louis. “Dad I’m tired, so I’m gonna go to bed. G’night!”

“Night Jamie!” he called back. I turned off the lights and hurried over the floor, [don’t tell me you don’t do this. You turn off the light and jump to your bed, trying not to touch the floor] jumping and landing on my bed. I curled up under the covers, shivering a bit as the cool fabric brushed against my skin.


“Why do you think she’s going to bed so early? It’s only eight forty-five,” I asked Liam.

“We have two options. She’s either tired from today, considering she probably worked nine hours straight, or she’s sneaking out. Which would be kind of hard considering our rooms are on the third floor. So I’m going with she was really tired. If you don’t trust me, go check on her when we go to bed,” he answered me.

I nod and turn back toward the TV.

So, this is a really short and crappy chapter. I'm sorry. but! This is dedicated to AmySchroder7 because she's commented a lot recently so thank you! And yes! if you want a dedication, comment and spam my inbox!

Love you girls,


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