Chapter 20: Where is she Liam?

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After Louis said we would be able to go to the meeting tomorrow, Simon left, giving the boys and I hugs. He was different than I expected him to be. I looked at the boys. “So, what do we do now?” I asked. They looked at each other. Louis shrugged. “Well what time is it?” I asked again. Zayn pulled out his phone. “It is almost five o’clock.” I grinned. “How about that trip to Nando’s?” Niall looked excited and nodded.

I looked at Louis. “Sure, if Liam’s okay with it.” Liam nodded. “Woohoo! Off to a restaurant where I’ve never been before! Wait, what should I wear?”

“Jeans and a cute shirt. But make sure it’s warm!” Louis said. I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs. I entered my room to see a note on the bed.

Dear Jamie,

                I realized that you might not know who I am. You know I am the man that killed your father, yet you do not know why. So, why? Your father owed some money to a certain man, who has more power than me. And by some, I mean about $1 million dollars. But your father, being the man he was, did not have that money. So I had to kill him. But the powerful man still needs that money, and your adoptive family has more than enough. In fact they owe 772,648 in euros. Be very quiet and turn around, I have left a note in the kitchen for your ‘family’. This is just a kidnapping, unless they do not pay me.


I turned around, only to see a flash of black before something was tied over my eyes. The figure picked me up and I tried to scream, only to realize the sensation of a gag in my mouth. I stopped wriggling and let the man take me. If I trusted the boys, I would trust they would get the money and pay the man to set me free.

I felt him toss me into what seemed like a car and the sensation of the car starting before I drifted off, not aware of the danger I was headed into.


We headed downstairs after Jamie, and I went into the kitchen to grab my car keys when I saw a note on the counter.

To whom it may concern:

                My name is Luke. If you do not remember me, I was the man in the hospital parking lot after Jamie had her surgery. I killed her father. She is being kidnapped as you read this. You owe 772,648 in euros before December 21st. Bring it to the corner of Laurel and 5th. If you do not follow these instructions, there is a chance you will never see Jamie again.


I panicked. I ran up to Jamie’s room. She wasn’t there. I saw a note on the bed. It explained in more detail who the man was and why he was kidnapping her. That was why we didn’t hear her. “Boys! Get up here NOW!” I screamed. I probably sounded like I was mad at them, but I was just upset that she was gone. They rushed up the steps.

Louis was the first to enter her room. He looked at me when he saw Jamie wasn’t there. “W-what happened?” he asked. I looked at him. He looked scared.

“She’s gone, Lou. Someone took her. Because her father, whom he killed, owed money. Now we owe that money.€ 772, 628.” He just looked at me with an expression I had never seen before, just before collapsing to the ground. The boys entered just as he hit the ground. Harry looked at me.

“What happened? Why is he sobbing on the ground?” I just handed him the note. When he finished reading it, he looked up at me with wide eyes before wrapping his arms around Louis, trying to comfort him.

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