Chapter 30: Twitter and Instagram

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The boys were in sound check right now and I was sitting in one of the many seats surrounding the stage. I was still feeling a little bit sick from a few days ago, and was just taking it easy, as the doctor had said to. They were practicing Live While We’re Young and were running around the stage, goofing off as they do. I was on Instagram, and decided to put up a picture up of them in their natural element.

‘The boys are having too much fun! Get to work! @harrystyles’ I captioned the photo. Harry’s phone buzzed a few seconds later and he looked at the notification before looking at me with an evil grin on his face. My eyes widened. I slowly stood up from the chair.

He hopped the three or four feet from the stage onto the ground and walked over to me. I looked up at him and started running. He was caught off guard and didn’t start running for a few seconds. After sprinting around a few rows of chairs, I ran towards the stage. I saw Paul in front of it and called out to him.

“Paul! Help, Harry’s going to kill me!” He turned around and motioned for me to continue running to him. I did so and as I reached him he picked me up and placed me on the stage. I ran backstage, screaming a ‘Thank You’ back to him, as he now had to deal with Harry.

I saw Louis and stopped behind him. “Why are you so out of breath?”

“Harry, tried, to, kill me,” I said in between heavy breaths. He looked at me incredulously.

“Are you sure?”

“Well, yeah, I mean he chased me around the seats and then I ran over to Paul, and he put me on the stage and handled Harry. All I did was tag him a picture on Instagram.”

“Okay, why don’t you go hang out with Devyn, she’s just sitting back there doing nothing.” I nodded and ran to the boys’ dressing room, grabbing my acoustic before walking over to Devyn, who was just sitting in the corner on her phone.

“Hey, Dev,” I said, sitting next to her. She looked up at me.

“Hi,” she whispered before turning back to her phone.

“What’s up?” I asked, now concerned for my friend.

“Nothing much, it’s just, I don’t know how to say this, especially to you.” I was now confused. “Could I say that I’m jealous of you? I mean, I know you haven’t had the most perfect life, but look at you now. You have a loving family, whereas my family found me by mistake and sent me to live with my popstar brother.”

“Devyn, you are part of this family. You have a loving family too. You are so loved, and you have no idea. I would have gone crazy with these guys without you.” I began strumming a random tune on my guitar, not bothering to look back up at her.

“If you were to do something, or leave, or I don’t even know what could happen, I wouldn’t make it. I need you here. I am honestly not cut out for this life. Paparazzi everywhere, everything publicized. I used to have this simple life in my little town in South Carolina.” The tune switched to ‘We Don’t Belong’ by Black Veil Brides.

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