Chapter 10: Jake and and Jamie Reunion!

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"HI, I'm Jamie, I need to pick up my schedule," I told the woman at the desk. She nodded and handed me a piece of paper.

"You will meet your guide in your homeroom, which is down this hallway, third door on the left." I smiled and thanked her, nervously heading down the hallway. I counted the doors and soon found the room. 208. English. Mr. Higgins.I opened the door and saw about thirty desks set up in rows. I walked up to the desk.

"Um, hi, I'm Jamie, the new student?" He nodded and gave me a smile before telling me where to sit. I made my way over to the empty seat. I looked around at the other students. They all looked to be doing homework or another assignment. Since I didn't have anything to work on, I decided to pull out The Hunger Games. I didn't care that it was my third time reading it, it was a good book. I heard the bell ring and looked up to see a girl standing in front of my desk with a nasty expression on her face.

"I'm Clarissa, and I'm your guide for today. After today, if you don't know where you're going, come find me and ask. Um, yea, so what's your first class?" she asked, sounding uninterested. I looked at my schedule.

"It says Algebra with Mrs. Liyn. Room 419." I followed her out of the room, down a few hallways, then she motioned to a door.

"There you go. Meet me right here after class," she said, then turned and walked away. I opened the door and peeked my head in the door.

"Hello! You must be Jamie?" I nodded. "You can just sit over there, next to Jake." I internally groaned. Yeah, it was that Jake. Ex-boyfriend Jake. I slowly made my way over to him, not meeting his eyes. He had a smirk on his face and I was regretting every step I took. As I sat in the desk, he leant over and whispered.

"Welcome back, faker! Anybody seen through your lie yet? I can!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I knew I wasn't faking, but to hear someone say it to me out loud made me mad. I wanted to scream at him, but I just couldn't find the energy to be that forceful with him. I didn't know why, but soon class started and I could focus my mind on something else.


I made my way to the cafeteria, ignoring stares and whispers as I followed Clarissa. I felt someone following me, so I turned around to see who it was. It was the quarterback of the football team; I think his name was Luca, behind me, smirking as he came closer. I looked behind him and saw Brittany and Melanie pointing and laughing at me. He approached my frozen figure. "Hey, liar, how's your stomach?" he asks while punching me in the gut. I gasp for air as I crouch down. "Good thing it wasn't brain 'cancer', huh?" This time he punches me across the face. I see stars as the world spins. "Meet me by the school sign at three o'clock, right after the final bell. Got it?" I nod shakily and close my eyes, leaning against lockers for support. Should I text one of the boys? No, they're probably busy. But they said I could text them at any time. Yeah, but you talked to them yesterday. What's your point? They might think you're like, clingy or something.

In the midst of my mental argument, I didn't realize my phone had gone off. It was only after I decided not to text them that I realized my phone was vibrating with new texts. I unlocked it and saw twenty text messages, three tweets, two missed calls, and an Instagram alert. Wow. I looked at my text messages. Ten from Louis, two from Zayn and Niall, and three from Liam and Harry. I looked at Louis's first.

'How's ur first day of school love?' 

'Where r u?' 

'Carrot buddy? ;(' 







'fine, be that way, I don't need you either, seeing im not important in your life' I rolled my eyes at his texts. Next were the other boys. They just asked how I was and how school was. I quickly sent a group text to them.

'hey boys, im alive, and Louis, what are you talking about? I was in school for gosh sakes!'

I sent it and almost immediately got a text from Liam.

'srry, its 5 here, 4got about time difrence' I rolled my eyes at his spelling.  

'its all good, I have to go back to class, im pretty sure the teacher's getting suspicious' 

'bye love!' I smiled and l went back to the hallway. I'm pretty sure I can get around without Clarissa now. I turned down the hallway that was labeled with the numbers 105-135 and looked for 110. Two doors down and there it was. Science. I slowly opened the door and saw a teacher in there with a few students. Did I forget to mention it was AP Science? Yeah, that's what most of my classes are, except for Algebra, which I have to take freshman year. AP classes were usually small, but this class only had about five kids, all older than me. The teacher waved me through.

"You are Jamie, correct?" I nodded. "Well, I must say, it's a pleasure meeting you, you can just take a seat anywhere, considering this is everybody in our class." I looked around and decided on a desk in the second row, three desks away from the window. I tuned out the teacher as I looked at different formulas and chemical reactions we would be learning about. The bell rang and I looked at my schedule. Finally, it was eighth period. Study hall. I went to the library and pulled out my history book, answering questions until the bell rang. It was almost three o'clock. I went to get my bookbag and went outside, heading right to the school sign. I sent a nervous glance around, but there were no teachers around. Great. I saw Luca leaning against the sign and felt an immediate urge to run away, but I knew that wouldn't help anything. I quietly walked over to him, not wanting to set him off.

"Oh, look, the school liar! Maybe it would hurt if I punched you?" He punched me in the gut. I gasped for air. "Look, the little liar does feel pain. Good." He slapped me, kicked me, punched me, anything you could think of for about ten minutes. When he finished, he just walked away, as if he was waiting for someone and they suddenly showed up. I texted my mom, 'help', before laying my head on the concrete and closing my eyes.

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