Chapter 24: Christmas has arrived (along with a few unexpected guests)

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I cracked open my eyes and stretched, slowly yawning as I did so. I flipped my covers back and sat up, shivering as the short sleeves of my shirt let cold air blow around my arms. I got up and opened my door, and was halfway out before something, wait, make that someone, sprinted by me. I hopped backwards.

“Dad! Would you settle down?” I screamed down the steps. I had just started walking without my crutches, so I tried to hop down. Louis calmly walked over to the bottom of the steps.

“You would be happy too, if you remembered what today was. Oh, and don’t do that, you’ll fall and hurt yourself,” he said. I thought for a minute- what was today? My eyes widened in realization.

“Ahh! It’s Christmas morning! Yes!” I hopped down the steps faster and made it to the last one before my sock slipped and I fell forward. Louis jumped forward and caught me just as I was about to hit the ground.

“Told you,” he said simply. I rolled my eyes and moved to get up. I walked over to the living room and saw all the boys sitting either on the ground or one of the couches. I walked over and sat next to Niall. “Morning!”

“Morning! Saw you fall off the stairs, clumsy much?” I rolled my eyes and sat back, leaning against the soft fabric of the couch. Louis walked in with a cup of tea.

“Ok, so what we’re gonna do is go by age, so Jamie is first, and I am last. We’ll each open two and then have breakfast. After breakfast, we get ready. At 12:30, everybody should be here. By everybody I mean the Tommo’s, the Styles’, the Horan’s, the Malik’s, the Payne’s, and the Sheeran’s. Sound good?”

I looked at Louis. “Ed Sheeran is coming?” I asked excitedly. He nodded. I repeatedly hit Niall’s arm, freaking out on the inside.

“Ow! Why are you hitting me, woman?” I slowly removed my hand, stopping my freak-out session. I sat back.

“Well now I’m excited,” I said happily. They all laughed at me before motioning for me to open a present. I picked up one wrapped in blue paper with a neon pink ribbon. I slowly opened it to see… a small card. I frowned and read it.

                Jamie, you have permission (from Liam) to get a pet! Which pet would you choose? You are going to pick it out today, so have an idea!


I squealed. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!” I jumped up and gave him a big hug. “So what do you want?” I thought for a minute.

“Yellow Lab puppy, but it has to be house-trained.” He nodded. I looked at Harry who was already sitting on the couch with a present on his lap.

He opened it and it was one of my presents that I got him. It was a shirt with a cat licking its one paw on the front, and on the back it said “Think how many ‘cats’ you could get!”. He laughed at it before showing all the boys.

“Where did you find this?”

“I got it specially made for Haz!” I grinned. Liam went next. He got tickets to Wolverhampton, by train, from Niall. He grinned happily and Niall opened his. He got a gift card to Nando’s from Harry. Zayn got a pair of shoes from Liam and Louis got red TOMS.

This continued and soon enough we had all opened two presents. I looked at Louis. “Can you make breakfast now? I’m hungry,” I asked. He nodded, standing up and offering his hands to me. I used them to pull myself up and walked towards the stairs. “So, I’m gonna go get a shower, I feel really dirty right now, and when I come down, can we have breakfast?” Everyone nodded and soon enough I was standing under the hot water, thinking about everything I had and was grateful for.

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