Chapter 27: Meet Me at the Hospital

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MARCH 15TH, 2013


Jamie sat up in bed, waking up late because of the long night she spent with Zayn’s sister, Devyn, who had just arrived this week. The girls had a lot of catching up to do, and decided to do it after one of the many One Direction concerts they would both be attending in the next few months, when they went on tour in the UK and US.

Trying to ignore the pain in her stomach, the one that had been there for the past two days, she got up, grabbing a sweatshirt off the desk next to her bed. She walked out of her room, wrapping her arms tightly around her stomach. This pain was new. Her head spun and her stomach rolled. She made it to the steps, deciding she was going to tell her father, when Harry appeared at the bottom of the steps.

“Harry, my stomach hurts, really bad!” she gasped out, just realizing now that there were tears falling out of her eyes. She walked down a few steps, only to fall four steps from the bottom.

Time seemed to move in slow motion as Harry dove towards the stairs, catching Jamie just before she hit the ground. He looked at her face. She was extremely pale, her eyes closed and her breathing shallow. He dug his phone out of his pocket. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall had gone out to shop for something or other, leaving Harry alone with the two girls.

He dialed Louis’ number, the one he knew by heart. The five seconds it took for the older boy to pick up the phone were the longest Harry had ever known.

“Hello?” Louis asked, as he had told Harry to call only if there was an emergency. They were out at the grocery store, and not five minutes away from the flat.

“Louis. It’s Jamie. She came out of her room, and I was going upstairs, and she said her stomach hurt, and then she collapsed. I mean, do I call 999 or just take her to the hospital myself?”

Louis, listening intently on the other end, almost dropped his phone in shock. “Uh, take her to Queen Elizabeth. She’s already been there; they have her record on file. Please. Just hurry. We’ll go to the flat, pick up Devyn, drop off the groceries, and as soon as we’re done, we’ll be over,” he manages to whisper.

“You hurry too, but try not to crash the car? Kay, Lou? See ya.” Harry didn’t waste any time writing a note to Devyn, telling them what happened and where they were going, and running out the door with the still unconscious Jamie. He placed her in the backseat of his car and drove to the hospital.

While this happened, Louis struggled to tell the boys what happened. “It’s Jamie. She just collapsed, apparently, right after complaining about her stomach hurting,” he told them, stuttering over his words as they came out of his mouth.

“Why are we still here? Hurry up!” Niall exclaimed, all the boys following after him as he ran to the checkout centers.

Harry had just pulled up to the hospital and parked hurriedly in the garage. He gently picked up Jamie and saw her face looked a little bit more flushed and did he see a flash of color as her eyes fluttered? He wasn’t sure of that, but he was sure that something was wrong.

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