Chapter 35: "Stop being a pe-"

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It’s been a week since I first started chemo, and I was slowly adjusting to it. My stomach still hurt periodically, and my hair was thinning, close to all of it falling out, but there were bright points. The day after I called Andy, Vic, from Pierce the Veil, called and asked how I was feeling, and then he got interrupted by Kellin and Justin from Sleeping with Sirens who sang their ‘Get Better Jamie’ song. I had been able to Skype all of the bands together and individually. Thank god for Adam Elmakias, or else those chats would have never happened. I was to Skype just Black Veil Brides today at noon, so that was something to look forward too. Ian would also be here, so we could hang out for a little while.

A knock on my door from the nurse alerted me that I would be starting chemo now. She came in and hooked me up to the IV. I played on my phone while she did it, trying to distract myself from the pain. Louis and Devyn walked in and sat on the chairs closest to my bed, knowing I’d be in some pain soon. I was fine until fifteen minutes into the treatment.

I looked at Louis with tears in my eyes. “It hurts really bad today for some reason,” I said. He came over and sat next to me on the bed. He ran one of his through my hair and I winced when some of it got caught in his hand. It didn’t hurt, it was just little tugs, nothing that you would normally notice, but I knew it was my hair falling out. I cried a bit harder when I realized there would soon be nothing left.

“Shh, don’t worry about it, love. Nobody cares if you have hair or not, you still look just as beautiful to us.” I looked up at Louis as he said that.

I gave him a small smile. It was probably more of a grimace, but he got the point.

We sat like that until the nurse came in and took the IV out. It was eleven-thirty now, and Ian would be here in fifteen minutes.

“Do you think I could get a cat nap in?” Louis checked the time.

“Sure, I’ll wake you up at five of, okay?” I nodded, lying down on my bed. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off.

“Jamie, Jamie, wake up. It’s five of, you don’t wanna miss the Skype session do ya?” I heard Louis’ voice.

I opened my eyes, surprised he remembered. I gave him a small smile before looking at my pillow. There was more hair there and I got up and went into the bathroom, looking into the mirror. Almost all of it was gone, so I just grabbed a brush and brushed the rest out. It was better to be all gone then just spotty in places. Or so I guessed. I grabbed a black beanie and slipped it on my now-bald head.

I walked back out to a surprised Louis, Devyn, and Ian. “What happened to your hair?!?!?!” Louis exclaimed.

“It was gone in places and mostly gone anyway, so I just got rid of it. What time is it now?”

“Twelve. You better get on Skype, you know how on-schedule those guys are.”


I pulled out my laptop and opened Skype. Sure enough there was an alert saying that the account that all three bands used had messaged me. I clicked on it and laughed at the message.

Jamie and friends,

Get on Skype now!!!!!!!!!



I called them and they answered immediately. CC’s face was very close to the camera. “Hi!”

“Hi, CC. Where’s everybody else?”

“Oh, they’re behind me. Oh wait, Adam’s yelling at me. Ahh! Stop yelling! I know, I know. Okay! Sheesh.”

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