Chapter 32: 'You get punched at signings?!'

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My face scrunched up as CC dragged the brush with paint on it across my cheek. It felt like he had drawn a line from my mouth up my cheek and then filled in spaces around my eyes.

“Don’t move your face,” he said and I tried to keep myself from flinching. “Done!” he exclaimed sounding proud of himself. I opened my eyes.

“Thanks! Is there a mirror or something so I can see it?” I asked him. He nodded and pointed to the corner. I walked over and was shocked by how I looked.

He had painted a sort of stitched-up, half Chelsea smile on the right side of my face, and covered my eyes in black and drawn tear-like lines similar to the ones he used to wear. The overall effect was somewhat of a sad clown look. I looked back at him and grinned.

“That looks slightly creepy,” Louis murmured. I just widened my smile further and walked back to the group.

“Well, we have to get ready to go on soon, so as soon as Andy gets done with Devyn’s paint, you might want to go out to your seats. You can also come back after the concert and the signing, we’ll be here until like three, so don’t think you’ll be imposing,” Jinxx said just as Andy was putting the finishing touches on Devyn’s makeup.

She looked in the mirror and thanked them before we headed out to our seats.


After the concert

We were now walking backstage and to the room we had been in before. The bands were doing the signing now and we would just wait until they were done.

“So, Dad, what did you think of the concert?”

“I personally thought there could have been better music, but the energy from the performers and crowd was awesome,” he replied.

“You don’t have to call them performers; they’re just people with awesome talents. What did you think about them personally, from having met them?”

“They seem pretty cool, a lot of tattoos though, don’t you think?” Liam said.

“But Harry has tattoos, and you don’t seem bothered by those. And so does Zayn. Were you scared of them because of the tattoos or not?”

“Well, when the singer opened the door I’ll admit I was a little scared. He’s taller than Harry! But they have, like, full-sleeve tattoos!”

“Vic doesn’t have any tattoos!” I said, referring to Pierce the Veil’s frontman. “I mean, Tony’s got a lot, along with his gauges and dermal piercing, but he’s really quiet!”

“Okay, okay, point proven. Now hush, the room is just up the hallway and we don’t know if anyone’s in there,” Louis said.

We walked into the room we were in earlier and it was empty, not surprisingly. We sat down on the couches for about an hour until they got back. It was now ten o’clock, but I wasn’t tired at all.

“So what did you think of the concert?” Vic asked, sitting across from us on the couch.

“It was awesome! You all did great!” I said excitedly. Devyn said something similar to what I did and everyone had big smiles on their faces.

“Hey Andy, how many people punched you today?” CC called out from where he was laying on the floor.

“It was only one at the signing! Lot of criers today, though.”

Everyone nodded at this and Louis spoke up. “You get punched at signings?” he asked incredulously, as if he couldn’t believe someone would do that.

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