Chapter 40: The End

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  • Dedicated to All My Readers

Disclaimer: there will be Italian and Spanish in this chapter... translations in the author's note at the end


Halfway through lunch

About 12:45

We had gone to a fancy Italian place that was really expensive. I had felt bad for Andy who just had black skinny jeans and his Prophet vest, nothing out of the ordinary for him. I had ridden with Black Veil Brides, Jaime, Mike, and Tony. As we pulled up, Andy looked slightly shocked and I rolled my eyes at the restaurant. The boys had chosen this on purpose to make the others feel uncomfortable. The entire menu was in Italian, this I knew from the few times I had been here.

"I'll have the Pollo e Capelli D'angelo in Salsa Alfredo, please," I said to the waiter as he looked at me. He wrote it down and went down the line.

The guys that hadn't been here before- everybody but me, One Direction, and Devyn- stumbled over the words even though I had tried to explain it to them. I glared at Louis and he looked confused.

I pulled out my phone and started texting him under the table.

'Why would you pick here? I know it's nice and all, but they didn't come prepared for this,' I sent.

'so what if i wanted a nice lunch? Its not all about them,' was his instant reply.

'I cant believe you dad. They matter to me and that's all I care about. Could you at least treat them with a little bit of respect?'

'I am. Theyre taking my daughter away from me, how am I supposed to act?'

'theyre not taking me away from you, youre the one who left this morning without even leaving a note or anything for me to know where you were.'

'im sorry, okay'

'can we just go out after this and get ice cream or something? ill ask the others what they want to do.'

I put my phone away and looked up to see him nodding. I gave him a small smile, which he returned. Our food came out a little bit later and everybody ate quickly. When the waiter came out to ask if we wanted dessert, Louis and I shook our heads at him. Niall was in shock and quite angry at Louis.

"Why no dessert?"

"Jamie, please explain?" Louis asked.

"Of course. Guys, not One Direction guys, but other guys, I know you felt pretty out of place here, so I'm sorry about that. If you guys want to go out and get something other than this before we go back to the house, please, offer suggestions," I explained.

They sent me grateful looks before conversing among themselves. They took a few minutes talking, but I was prepared to wait.

"Is there like, and I know this sounds crazy, but a Starbucks or Baskin Robbins around here?" I looked at Louis.

"There's a Baskin Robbins around the corner, actually, and the nearest Starbucks is twenty minutes away."

"Yes! Baskin Robbins all the way!!" CC yelled, getting stares and glares from others in the restaurant. I laughed at him, along with the rest of the table.

Louis paid the check, much to the disagreement of everyone else, and we left. We climbed back into the limos, only this time I was with my boys. They took us to Baskin Robbins and I got birthday cake ice cream in a waffle cone.

 We sat outside and everybody talked to each other, even Louis was sociable. We sat there for almost a half an hour before we decided to head back to the house. As we were leaving, two teenage girls recognized my boys and ran over and asked for autographs. They took pictures before turning to me.

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