Chapter 2: Nicknames and Nando's

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We were having a normal conversation in the car when my stomach flipped. I sent a glance towards Alexa that said, 'My stomach!' She immediately pulled out a bag and gave it to me. I started coughing up a mixture of blood and the remains of my breakfast. The boys' faces were a mixture of emotions: Liam was worried, Zayn was looking out the window, Niall was slightly disgusted, Harry looked like he didn't know what to do, and Louis one hand on my back and the other was on my knee, his face was concern mixed with sorrow. I motioned for Alexa to explain.

"Well, you see, Jamie here's cancer causes her to cough up blood every so often. So, yeah, she'll probably do that at about," she pauses to check the time on her phone, "three or four o'clock." They looked at me, their eyes full of worry. Liam handed me a water bottle and I drank it slowly. We pulled up to the mall and Liam spoke.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded and waved him away with my hand, because I didn't trust my mouth.

We made our way into the mall, only to find it empty. We looked at the boys questioningly. They all smiled sheepishly. "We may have rented out the mall," Louis said, looking at the ground. I gave a warning look to Lex, mentally telling her not to fangirl. She gave me a slight nod and we looked back at the boys. They kept switching their gazes between us. "You can read each other's minds?" Louis asked, sounding more than confused.

"No?" I said, well actually, I asked. "I just told her not to fangirl." They still looked confused, so I just rolled my eyes and walked towards Auntie Anne's. I got Cinnamon Pretzel Sticks and a Coke. I ate them as we walked into Topshop.

"What do you see girls, anything you like?" Zayn asked, casual as could be. I looked over at Lex. Our eyes were super wide. This place was expensive. Like, super expensive. The last time I had been here was with Brittany and Melanie, and it was all the money I had saved over a year. To buy a dress. For a date. With Jake. Never mind, back to the boys.

"We couldn't possibly take any of your money to buy clothes. Remember, we live in a hospital? Nowhere to wear the clothes?" My heart panged as I said it, but it was true. We wore sweatpants and tee shirts when we weren't in chemo or having testing done. It was our life. We were adjusting to it.

"You forgot about the concert," Louis commented.

"Your point being? We still have normal clothes," I said motioning to my outfit.

"Oh my gosh! How are we supposed to take you shopping if you don't want anything!" Niall exclaimed, shoving a skirt and a shirt into our hands. "Go, try them on! Then come out and show us, then we will buy them!" He made a shooing motion with his hands, and we stepped into the changing area. I stepped into one room, she walked into the other. Wait for it, 3, 2, 1...

"OMG! We are shopping with One Direction!" she whisper-screamed. I could just picture her jumping up and down. I quietly laughed, seeing the boys were just outside the door. I put on the white skirt and then slipped the orange top over my head. I looked in the mirror, hesitating. I saw a sick little girl that didn't look alive. I put the beanie that I had in my pocket and put it on my head. I walked out of the dressing room and saw all the boys around Lex, giving her compliments on how good the skirt looked, how nice the shirt fit, etc., I looked at her and saw they were right. My shirt, however, was about three sizes too big, even though it was an extra-small. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided I looked like crap. The skirt was okay though, only slightly big. I guess that's what I get for having cancer. Oh, well, back to reality. I felt someone come up behind me and give me a hug.

"You look beautiful. It doesn't matter what you think, because you ARE beautiful," I looked up to see Louis standing there. I could tell he was being serious.

"Thanks Lou," I paused,"is." He laughed. What? I just met him, I didn't know what to call him.

"You can call us whatever you want to call us, love."

"Okay!" I walked over to the boys and joined the boys. They must have seen my face because soon enough, I was the center of a group hug. I hugged the person closest to me, which happened to be Niall. I gave him a tight hug and smiled at him. "Thanks." I think he knew what I meant, because he just nodded and broke the hug. I looked at all the boys. "Thanks you guys. I know we met like, an hour ago, but, yeah, it just means a lot," I said, close to tears. Wow, babyish much? Like seriously Jamie, toughen up.

"It's fine, thanks for showing us how real you guys are and how not all fans are stalkers and try to touch us or, you know, yeah, so thanks," Liam said, quite awkwardly might I add. "Oh, uh, so you want to go get lunch or something?" I check my phone. It was 1:15.

"Sure, why not? Where do you want to go?" 


"There isn't a Nando's near here..." I said.  

"Closest one?" 


"Ugh!" We made our way towards Chili's.

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