Chapter 23: Hyde Park and Hot Guys

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I followed Louis as he led me through the park. We passed some trees, and then he stopped. “You’re okay with walking through trees and bushes and stuff, right?” I nodded. He turned and continued walking. He came to a bunch of trees and bushes and walked right through them. I followed his footsteps, trying not to damage the bush too much.

I looked ahead to see Louis sitting in a clearing, obviously not caring about the snow on the ground. I hurried over and sat next to him. As I did so, he looked at me. “I came here just after we adopted you, do you remember I left? Not telling you where I was going?” I nodded, confused as to where this was going.

“I felt so guilty about what had happened. You were injured and if I had just gotten there a little earlier, nothing would have happened. And then there’s always the chance that you relapse. I’m sorry, I honestly am.

“But the look on your face when you signed that contract for Simon today; I would do anything to see that again. You looked so happy, and that was awesome.” I looked at him.

“Thank you. So much. You didn’t have to adopt me, heck, you could have just ignored my Wish. But you didn’t. You made Lex’s last few days the best she’d ever known. You are the greatest person I’ve ever met. Thanks Dad.” He looked down at me with tears in his eyes.

He wrapped his arms around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder. “I love you, Dad.” I mumbled into his shirt. “Love you too, Babygirl.” I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness that was sleep. I felt his arms pick me up and carry me to the car. I was not asleep, but not fully awake. I was aware of my surroundings, but didn’t have my eyes open.

He placed me across the backseat, making sure I wouldn’t fall off when he drove. I felt the car turn on and him drive towards the flat.

We must have arrived at the flat, because I felt him pick me up again and carry me inside. “She fell asleep, I’ll tell you more after I take her to bed,” I briefly heard Louis say this, and then completely fell asleep.


After I had put Jamie on her bed, I left her room and headed into mine. I put on black sweatpants and red sweater. I walked downstairs to see all the boys sitting on the couch, obviously waiting for me. I made a cup of tea before sitting on the couch that was opposite them.

“Did she have to sing? What took you so long? What does he want her to do?” The others threw questions at me faster than I could answer them.

“Er, no, she didn’t have to sing, we went to Hyde Park, and he wants her to record a few songs in their studio, but most of them here.” They nodded, obviously pleased with the outcome of the meeting.

“How about, for dinner, we go to Nando’s, since we didn’t go the other day?” Niall suggested. I nodded. He cheered, but I shushed him so he didn’t wake Jamie up.

“I’ll wake her up in about an hour, we’ll go at around five-thirty- Niall you can call ahead.” We all agreed that this was the best plan and settled down to watch TV. I heard footsteps on the stairs and sighed, knowing Jamie was awake. I turned around and saw she had changed into sweats, like I had.

She stretched and yawned, coming over to sit next to me, placing her head in my lap. She curled up in a ball and proceeded to go back to sleep. Niall walked back in the room.

“When did she come down?” he asked, sounding confused.

“Just when you left to call Nando’s,” I responded quietly, not wanting to wake up Jamie. He nodded and turned back to the TV.

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