Chapter 5: Carnivals and Crazy Fans

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         I slowly opened my eyes, then immediately closed them. The bright light coming in through the window was blinding, unusual for early in the morning. I turned over and faced my clock, which told me it was 11:30. I have never ever never slept that long. I faintly heard the door close, but I figured it was a nurse, so I just decided to close my eyes. "Guys, be quiet, she's still sleeping," I heard Liam whisper. I turned over and opened my eyes again.  

"Oh, hey boys," I yawned.  

"See! You woke her up, Louis!" Liam said. 

"I was already up, but I didn't want to go to chemo, speaking of," as I said this, I hit my nurse button.

"Yes, Jamie?" 

"Yea, can I have breakfast so I can go to chemo, I'd rather get it over with." 

"Already one step ahead of you, these gentlemen brought you breakfast, and we just started your new schedule. You have it tomorrow." 

"Ok, thanks Carla!" I smiled brightly.

"You seem to get along with the nurses," Harry mused. 

"Yep, Lex and I have a lot of freedom, since I'm the oldest patient." They nodded. "Soo, what'd you get me for breakfast?" They laughed at my eagerness for food. "What? I haven't eaten since yesterday at lunch..."  

"You didn't eat anything at the concert?" Zayn asked, joining the conversation.  

"No, that was your guys' food." 

"Ohmygosh, take the food. It's a cherry danish from Panera Bread," Louis interjected.  

"Whoo!" I jumped up from the bed and began to do a happy dance. I must have looked a mess. I realized I still had my clothes from yesterday on. I grabbed gym shorts and a tee shirt. I didn't think we were going to do anything.  

"You may want to get nicer clothes," Lex mentioned.  

"When did you get here?"  

"I was here the whole time. These boys," she motions to Louis, Harry, and Niall, "were determined to hide me. We're going to the Carnival today." 

"Oh. My. Gosh. You're taking us to the Carnival? I haven't been in forever!" I screeched, scaring Niall, judging by the look on his face. "Sorry Niall." He just smiled and nodded. I grabbed blue plaid shorts and a tank top.  

"You may want to bring a bathing suit; we're going to the beach as well." I felt my eyes widen, and my breathing get heavy. Zayn came over to me again and helped me with my breathing. As I felt myself calm, I said to the boys, "Do we have to go swimming?"  

"No, Zayn can't swim either." I nodded and walked to the bathroom, only to hear a smack and someone yelling at Louis, probably Zayn, for telling me about how he can't swim.

I finished changing and doing my hair and walked back out to the boys. "I'm ready when you're ready." 

"Let's go!" Niall exclaimed while Louis bent down in front of me, as if he was going to give me a piggy back ride. I figured he was and climbed on.  

"Thanks Lou!" He nodded and carried me out. "Wait! Everybody wait!" Lou dropped me instantly, sending me on the floor. "OW!" I got up and ran over to the cafeteria, where all the kids were waiting. "Hey guys!" I said breathlessly. I pulled out my guitar from the closet. I forgot. Today I have to sing to the kids. "I'm going to sing The A Team, by Ed Sheeran!" I announced and they all cheered, even though they probably didn't know who he was. I pulled the lyrics out of the back of my head and started strumming on the guitar. 

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