Chapter 4: Skeptical 'Brothers' and Sound Check

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Something was wrong with Jamie. She kept looking at her phone, but then clicked a few buttons and looked up at one of the stage lights and nodded to herself, as if reassuring herself of something. I pulled her to the side. "What's wrong? I saw you looking at your phone and you looked upset." Her eyes opened wide, panicked, but she quickly blinked that look away.  

"N-nothing?" she said, well asked.  

"What's wrong? C'mon tell big bro Zaynie." She laughed at this, but I was being serious.  

"Fine. You really want to know?" I nodded. She pulled out her phone, unlocked it and handed it to me. I looked at the screen to see four messages. 'Hey how's ur 'cancer' faker?' Jamie had typed her reply and then the other person said 'yea right ur just a liar'. Jamie proceeded to tell the person that she was blocking them. I really didn't want to ask this.  

"Did you fake your cancer?" The look on her face said it all: hurt, distrust, fear, but mostly hurt.  

"Is that what you think of me, Zayn? That I would fake cancer, stay in the hospital for a month so far, just to meet you? Thanks for the confidence boost!" she said sarcastically. She pushed me out of the way and ran down the hall into the women's restroom. She was stronger than I thought. I walked back into the theater.

"Where's Jamie?" Niall asked, concerned.  

"None of your business," I shot back, quite rudely might I add. With that he ran down the hallway, but not before shooting me a glare.


        I can't believe he didn't believe me. My cancer isn't fake. Why would I do that? Ugh. I heard faintly heard someone calling out my name. I stuck my tearstained face out of the door and regretted it instantly when Niall sprinted towards me, asking what happened. I showed him my phone and he looked angry. "Zayn asked me if I faked it." By now he was shaking with anger. I sat down and motioned for him to do the same. "I may be 6 years younger than you, but I know how to handle these situations. It's happened before, but it's a different number every time. Same type of thing, yet it always affects me." He wrapped me in a hug before standing up and placing me on his back, giving me a piggy-back ride back to the theater. I dried off my tears and put a small smile on my face. The other boys didn't know what was wrong, and so they shouldn't.

        Niall walked through the door to the theater and put me on the floor. Louis rushed up to me and gave me a huge hug, spinning me around. I shrieked, "Louis put me down!!!!!!" He slowly stopped spinning and placed me on the ground, where I felt my world spin then saw blackness and suddenly felt something hard on my back.

"Guys, she's waking up. Jamie, Jamie, are you okay?" I opened my eyes to see Niall standing above me. Prank time! I smirked to myself.  

"W-who are you? Why am I here? Who's he?" I asked, making my voice shaky and scared, and pointing at Louis. Niall's face got sad.  

"You mean, y-you don't remember us?" I couldn't help it. I burst out in laughter.  

"I knew who you were the whole time, I just, wanted to prank you," I said between laughter.  

"You, my friend, are going to pay for that!" Louis yelled out as he began to tickle me.  

"LOU! Knock it off! You are the reason she passed out in the first place!" Harry yelled at him. 

"Sorry Haz," Louis said, looking at the ground while getting off of me. The boys resumed their sound check while Alexa and I ran up and down the aisles, much to the stage workers dismay. Niall couldn't keep a straight face, Louis couldn't sing over his laughter, Zayn showed no emotion, Liam was trying to tell Niall, Louis, and Harry to stop, and Harry was chasing us. Eventually two women told us to stop and we sat way in the back, pouting and crossing our arms, refusing to look at the boys. My eyes were closed, I was trying to hold back real tears. I guess I can't do anything right, whether it be go to a concert or even be a normal girl, going shopping. Wait, who was behind me? I felt someone pick me up bridal style and whisper to someone else, "I think she fell asleep." I tried to go to sleep and soon felt sleep overtake me.


I wonder what happened between Zayn and Jamie. I mean, he was acting really weird and her smile was small and fake. 'Let's go,' I told myself, 'talk to him while Liam takes her backstage.' I walked over to Zayn. "What happened between you and Jamie?" I made my voice childish and innocent.  

"Nothing, nothing at all," he muttered. 

"Are you sure? She was crying earlier," I was back, using my big ten-year-old voice. 

"What? Okay, she showed me some texts and then I asked her if she faked her cancer." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He thought she faked her cancer? What kind of sick person thinks that? I reached up and smacked the back of his head.  

"Why, in heck's name, would you ask her if she faked? When her mom arrived at the hospital, she, she, they took her to the room that connected to mine, because it was the emergency pediatric room  and I heard the doctors clear for the shock things. Zayn, she died two times. Nobody's told her. Don't tell her. I'll tell her when I'm ready. She's not faking, at all." By now I was sure there were definitely tears falling down my face. You're such a baby, Alexa Renee. Such a baby.  

"Oh my gosh, now I feel horrible." He should! He just asked my best friend if she faked her cancer.  

"Apologize to her when she wakes up." With that, I walked away from him, feeling proud of myself.


I woke up on something soft with something warm covering me up. I opened my eyes to view my surroundings. I definitely wasn't at the hospital. Oh yeah! That concert was tonight Woo! Party time! I got up and checked my appearance in the mirror. Nothing was really messed up. I followed the halls to the stage and found the boys already on it, singing Na Na Na. I was mad. Nobody thought to wake me up? I walked up behind Lex, who was jamming out and mouthing along to the words. I quickly tapped both of her shoulders, making her yelp and turn around. When she saw me, she wrapped her arms around me and caught the attention of one of the boys. She motioned to me and Niall nodded, then nudged Liam, who looked over at me. He gave me a quick smile.


The boys suddenly stopped singing, no music was playing, and they weren't joking around with the crowd. Louis gave a nod to Lex and she dragged me out onto stage, much to my protests. While I was fighting against her, I didn't notice my video that we shot earlier pop up on the huge screen. It started playing and I froze. I was supposed to be in the back when this happened. I couldn't stand to know what people thought of me. I sent a panicked glance towards Niall, but he was oblivious to me, too busy looking at the screen. I repeated the action with Louis, Harry, and Liam. I sent one last look at Zayn, but I couldn't find him. I suddenly couldn't breathe evenly and I was trying to get the attention of the boys. I felt arms around me and a voice whispering in my ear, "Listen to me. In and out. In and out. In and out." I listened to Zayn's voice and slowly calmed my breathing. The video was finally over and I ran offstage.


The boys ran off the stage, sending me dirty looks. "Jamie, why didn't you tell us you have panic attacks?" Liam asks in a scolding voice.  

"How was I gonna tell you?! Hi, I'm Jamie, I have a rare stomach cancer, I cough up blood every few hours, I pass out when I get dizzy, oh, and I have panic attacks. Yeah, that would work out!" I reply sarcastically. "Can we please just go back to the hospital? By the way," I paused to yawn, "you guys were fantabulous!  But seriously, you were, like, amaZAYN and fabuLOUIS and phenomiNIALL and extraordinHARRY and brilLIAM." 

"Okay, time to go to bed! You are extremely tired. She says stuff like that when she crashes after a long day," Lex says the last part to the boys. I dig around in my shoebag that I brought with me. 'There we go,' I thought to myself as I found my night medicine. I took out a pill and swallowed it dry. I looked up to see Louis, Harry, and Niall staring at me. I felt Liam and Zayn run into my stopped figure.  


"How did you swallow that dry?" Louis asks, sounding shocked.  

"Well, I put it on my tongue, then swallow." Really? How do you take a pill?

We got back in the limo and I fell asleep on Zayn's shoulder. I wasn't mad at him anymore since he helped me with the panic attack. I briefly felt someone's arms around me, then the cold night air, and the last thing I felt was my blankets being pulled up around my body.

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