Chapter 7: Oxygen Masks and a Coma

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As soon as the report on the TV was over, Liam was clenching his fists and muttering to himself. It was kind of freaking me out. I tried to talk, but the tube that was down my throat restricted me from doing so. I pressed the nurse button and one of the ICU nurses came in, not one that I recognized. I motioned to my throat, silently asking her if I could take the tube out. She sighed and nodded. After she took the tube out of my throat, she told me to keep the oxygen mask on, or only to take it off five minutes at a time. She then left and I immediately took the mask off.

"What the heck Liam? Stop muttering to yourself, it's freaking me out!" I said, well, I croaked out. He looked startled at my voice.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how they found out all that stuff. You gave me a scare! Just passing out like that!"

"It's okay, it's not your fault, and next time I'll try to control my body." I think he caught on to the sarcasm because he just rolled his eyes.

"But really, are you sure you're okay?" Oh my gosh. He is such a worry-wart.

"I'm fine, wait, I'm getting lightheaded, don't miss my voice for too long." His face looked panicked until I put the mask back on.I took off the mask, my head much clearer. "Are you okay? You spaced out!" Liam asked.

"Yea, er, just thinking," I quickly responded.

"Do you know when you get out of here?" I thought about it.

"No, but I'm hungry as a hippo, I mean I could literally eat a," my stomach flipped, "forget that. If I eat, it will be in stomach for about five minutes. But maybe, if I'm nice I can out within the next hour, maybe hour and a half."

"Well, I'm gonna get some food, I'll send one of the boys up." I nodded and put the mask back on, figuring it was a good idea. I soon heard a voice muttering out different numbers. "543! Here we go!" I looked up to see Louis with an accomplished look on his face. "How are you, sweetheart?" I removed my mask in order to talk to him.

"I've been better. But, maybe, if you give me a hug, I'll feel better..." He rolled his eyes, but came over and wrapped me in a bear hug.


"Much! Now, excuse me, while I put this lovely piece of junk back over my piehole!" He laughed as I put the mask back over my mouth.

I looked up to see a nurse walking in smiling. "You can go back to your room!" I smiled and took the mask off. "But, you still have to wear the mask for the rest of the night." I sighed and nodded. I knew there was a catch. It's better than staying here. She said that there should be another mask in my room, but I should be fine to go down without one on. I hopped off the bed, and walked next to Louis, talking about random stuff. When we got to the room, I was surprised to see the other four boys either sitting on the floor or pacing.

"What's wrong?" Liam and Niall shared a look, and Liam gave a slight nod.

"Lex, she, uh, she wasn't feeling well, so she told a nurse, and the nurse said she had to go to her room immediately, something was wrong. When we tried to see what was wrong they told us we couldn't go in." This had never happened as long as I've been here. I went and asked one of the male nurses, Mark, what happened.

"Do you want to go see her?" I nodded frantically. "Follow me. The leukemia cells took over her bloodstream, majorly. And, as of right now, she's in a coma." I was now shaking. Cancer patients in comas usually didn't survive them or were in one for, like, ever. He opened the door to her room and I was shocked to see her hooked up to all the machines, some keeping her alive, others just the usual ones, measuring her heartbeat and BP.She was deathly pale and she looked so vulnerable. I fell to the floor in a sobbing mess. She didn't deserve this. If anyone should be in her position, it should be me. I felt someone put their arms around me and rock me gently. I needed to stop crying in front of these boys, I look like a baby. Suddenly I couldn't feel the floor underneath me, and looked up.

"You need to put your oxygen mask on," Harry simple stated. At this I thrashed about and tried to get out of his arms. He just tightened his grip on me and laid me on the bed, placing the mask over my face. I looked over at my clock, only to see it was 10:30. I figured today was a long enough day, I should try to get some rest. I closed my eyes, sleep overtaking them immediately.


I opened my eyes and realized that I still had my oxygen mask on. I took it off and slowly sat up. I looked around and saw Louis and Harry cuddled up in a corner, Zayn sprawled out near the door, and Liam and Niall sleeping on the spare bed in my room. I got up and headed to Lex's room, only to see it empty. I fell to the floor (again). What happened? Just then, a doctor walked in. "Wh-what happened?"

"I'm sorry, she, she didn't make it." Lex, was dead? No! I jumped up, screaming my protests. I was pulled out of the room and taken back to my room, where I was forced to lay on the bed while they gave me calming medicine. Yep, way to abuse the right to use medicine, hospital. I suddenly got tired and my eyes closed.

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