Chapter 16:Beautiful People who Threaten Me?

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I walked out to the car when I felt someone behind me, closer than the boys were. I turned to see a man standing there, and he looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him before. And then it clicked. He was the man at the park when I was six. The man who had killed my father. He was in England, and currently standing right behind me. He looked me in the eyes, traced a finger across his throat, smirked evilly, and then casually walked away. My eyes widened. What did he want with me?

I must have stopped walking because Liam started gently nudging me forward, obviously concerned to as why I had stopped. I couldn't move. Then I couldn't feel my legs on the ground and panicked. I looked up to see Harry holding me, Niall following with my crutches.

Liam opened the door to Harry's truck and climbed in, motioning for Harry to hand me off to him. I felt myself being transferred between their arms and soon Liam was holding me so I could rest my head on his shoulder. And that's what I did. I felt myself drifting off, so I wrapped my arms around his torso and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes after what felt like three seconds to see the now-familiar surroundings of my room. My crutches were propped against the bookshelf next to my bed, so I swung my legs off the bed and grabbed them. I glanced at the time to see it was about seven. In the morning. I slept for over fifteen hours. How is that even possible?

I walked downstairs and saw no one was awake. Great. I headed into the kitchen to make breakfast. It was then that I realized there were steps going up from upstairs, where the bedrooms were. I managed my way up the steps, all the way to the third floor to see a recording booth, a few guitars, a drum set, and a piano. I could play all those instruments. I sat down at the piano and began pressing random keys before a song popped into my head. I could play "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts. I thought and placed my fingers correctly. I began playing, singing along.

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love on the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed at you
That every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars.
This much I know is true
That God bless the broken road
That led me straight to you
Yes it did

I played the last few chords to sounds of applause. I turned to see Louis, Niall, and Liam standing there. "What song was that?" Niall asked. I gasped. How do you not know that song?

"Bless this Broken Road by Rascal Flatts. I also love their song "What Hurts the Most". But I think that is more of a guitar song." Niall nodded, looking confused. I picked up the acoustic guitar that was next to me. I strummed quickly, checking it was in tune.

I can take rain on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let 'em out
I'm not afraid to cry once in a while
Even though goin' on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I'm okay
But that's not what gets me
What hurts the most
Was being so close,
and having so much to say
and watching you walk away.
and never knowin' what could've been
and not seein' that loving you
Is what I was tryin' to do

I looked back up at Niall. He nodded. "You are a really good singer. You need to get in that recording studio soon." I looked up at him. "I've written a song before.... Actually I've written a few." At this he jumps up and looks me in the eyes.

"Where is the book?!?!?!" I looked at him. "Check on the bookshelf, three books from the left, third row down." He sprinted out of the door.

He came back up with my self-decorated looseleaf book. Let me just admit it was pretty basic. It said Jamie on the front in neon green puffy paint and little flowers and such around it. I flipped open to a page. My favorite song. Beautiful People (by Cher Lloyd). I looked over the lyrics once and the notes and such twice before looking at the recording studio.

"Do you think I could use this for the day and then play it for you when I'm done?" "Yes, but don't change your voice at all." "I know, I just need to do some overlapping and do some stuff with the different guitars, and use the drums and stuff."

They nodded and left me to myself. I had gone to a camp one summer where all we learned was how to use recording equipment. I sang the song through once and played it back, writing down where I wanted to overlap, add instruments and solos and such. I played it on the guitar and put the two recordings together. It sounded good, but it needed something extra. I looked at the piano. Yep, just what it needed.

I spent a good three or four hours just walking in between the instruments, listening the song on repeat, adding what I wanted or taking out what didn't sound right. I played it once more. Perfect, I thought, time to get the boys.

I called down the steps. "Boys! Get your butts up here right now!" Liam and Niall were the first ones up

the steps, followed by Louis, Zayn, then finally Harry. Niall was literally bouncing up and down with excitement. I looked at all of them. "You ready?" They nodded. I clicked the 'play' button and sat down, thoroughly exhausted from all the effort I put into it.


Then they all stared at me. I looked back at them. "You did all that?" I simply nodded, not wanting to use my voice as my throat was sore as well from the singing. "How?" I just shrugged and curled up in the chair, not wanting to be bothered further. The boys seemed to sense this and Louis picked me up, taking me down to my bedroom, gently placing me on the bed. I rolled over and he pulled the blanket. He was actually a very good father, being new at it and all.

That was my last thought as I drifted off again.


All of us just stood there in shock while Louis took Jamie to her bedroom. How had she recorded that? She was six years younger than me and I doubt I could even do anything close to that. I clicked restart just to hear it again. There was piano, slight drums, and guitar. She was amazing.

I looked at Liam. "She should produce an album. She left her song book, and there's only about 15-17 songs required and by the looks of this book, she has enough for about two or three," he said matter-of-factly. Louis came back.

"She fell asleep right away. Poor girl's exhausted." I could literally see how much Lou cared for her. It was insane how protective we all were of her. I smiled softly and looked at the computer she had somehow hooked up to the studio.

There was a program running that I had never seen. I looked at it. It looked like you could drag and drop parts of songs over other parts of songs. I think our producer had used it at one of our recording sessions, and to see that I thirteen-year-old could work it made me feel stupid. I looked at the saved recordings. "Original" I read to myself. I played it. Soon Jamie's voice with no back up flowed through the speakers.

It was obvious she didn't alter her voice at all other than overlapping at some places. The boys looked at me. "She needs to professionally record these," I stated. "No, she doesn't. She can do it here. She doesn't need someone to do what she can." I agreed, I just didn't want her to be tired all the time because of it.

Hey! I realized I never really described Jamie, so imagine her as about 5'3", skinny at around 110 lbs., with short brown hair, almost like a pixie cut. She has green eyes, and that's pretty much all I can think of to describe her. The reads on this story are insane. As I last checked it was at about 1230. That is amazing guys.... Thank you so much.

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