Chapter 21: "It's a law!"

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I opened my eyes to see I was still in the dark room. It’s been three days, or so I think, considering I’ve gotten three plates of food. My mouth was now so dry I could barely swallow without water. I knew I couldn’t last much longer like this. If the boys didn’t pay soon, I don’t know what would happen.

The man came down the stairs again with a plate of food and water, just like the three days prior. He had left my one hand constantly untied, but I couldn’t loosen the thick rope binding my hand or ankles. He smirked as he placed to food in front of me. Uh oh, it was never good when he smirked.

He bent down further, reaching out his arm slowly, before slapping my face. I gasped. He hit harder than Luca or Jake had ever hit. He stood up and flicked his ankle, making his steel-toe boot jab my stomach. I groaned as he walked up the steps.

I took a sip of water before closing my eyes, dreaming I was back at the boys’ flat, snuggled up on the couch, watching a crappy TV show like I normally did. I felt myself drifting off, but I forced myself to stay awake, considering I had just been asleep a few minutes ago.

I was extremely tired, yet I didn’t know why. I opened my eyes and grabbed a pretzel. Maybe if I got some food in me it would help. I finally gave up. I knew I was getting weaker, why try to fight it. I leant my head back just as several people shouted something that sounded like, “Put your hands up!” I ignored it and closed my eyes.

I heard the door to the stairs slam open and multiple pairs feet pound down the steps. I cracked my eyes open to see the boys standing there with shocked looks on their faces. “Hey guys,” I mumbled, my voice hurting from not having used it in the past few days. They rushed over and tried to untie the ropes, and when they finally did, I was almost fully unconscious.

Niall tries to help me stand up, but I collapse when he puts me on my feet. Someone catches me and I hear sirens before completely losing the outside world.



The police entered the building where Jamie was being held. We were told we could enter after the man who kidnapped her was escorted out. We sprinted in and looked upstairs and on the main floor before finding the basement. We rushed down the steps, all of us hoping Jamie was okay.

When we saw her, she was slouched against a pole, obviously food- and water- deprived. She opened her eyes when she heard us. “Hey guys,” she whispered out.  We rushed over and immediately untied her. She looked weak, yet she was fighting to stay awake for us.

Niall helped her stand up, but when she had no support, she fell over. I luckily caught her, and ran outside where an ambulance was waiting. We had previously agreed to let Louis go with her, if the need existed.

The paramedics placed her on stretcher and I flinched at how pale she looked. Louis climbed into the ambulance with her, reaching on the bed to hold her hand before the doors closed and someone ushered us to our car.

Harry climbed in, backing out of the driveway. Liam was riding shotgun, with Niall and me in the back. He looked over at me. “He starved her. He hurt her. I don’t want her to hurt anymore. She doesn’t deserve it,” he sobbed out, burying his face in my neck. It would have been awkward if it was anyone else, but Niall didn’t count.

I gave him a hug, quietly comforting him as he shook and shuddered. Harry turned down the radio that was already quiet. “Niall, she’s gonna be okay. We’ve got her now, and the man’s in jail. Don’t let Lou see you like that or he’ll be mad. Actually, forget I just said that because he’ll probably be crying too.” Niall grinned and wiped his eyes.

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