Chapter 8: Funerals, Singing, and Leaving

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I woke up to the sound of screaming and crying. I groggily opened my eyes to see someone pinning a frantic Jamie to her bed, and putting a mask over her face. She soon relaxed and her eyes closed. The doctor looked over to see me awake. “Er, sorry about her, but, um, Alexa didn’t make it through the night,” he stated apologetically. Wait, what? What the heck does that mean? Wait, she… she was dead? Well that explains Jamie. Her best friend, as of a few weeks ago, just died. I felt tears build up in my eyes. Why couldn’t something go right for Jamie? I feel bad for her.

I got up and went to sit next to Jamie. I don’t know what they gave her, but it knocked her out. Not literally, but you know, put her to sleep. I lifted her up from the bed. Even as dead weight, she still wasn’t heavy. I sat down on the bed and cradled her in my arms. The doctor tried to protest but I just shook my head at him. He sighed and left the room. I felt Jamie stir. Well, that didn’t last long. Her face was creased with worry. She started trying to roll over, but I just tightened my grip on her and rocked her gently. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around, dazed and still slightly sleepy. Then she looked up at me. “P-Please tell me it was a nightmare,” she said. I was confused, but only for a second.

“I’m sorry, i-it wasn’t.” I watched as her face fell. She buried her face in my jumper and sobs racked her body. I decided to let her cry it out, and just continued rocking her. Liam eventually woke up and gave me the most puzzled look known to man. I mouthed ‘Lex didn’t make it’ and he rushed over, just as Jamie stopped crying.

“I apologize for crying. It seems like all I’ve been doing lately.” Liam just wrapped his arms around her in a silent condolence.

“It’s alright, love.” I saw her smile a bit at the word love. I guess we did speak a little bit differently than American boys/men.  She snuggled up to me and closed her eyes. Her breathing soon became even and shallow and I knew she was asleep. I placed her on her bed and told Liam to help me wake the other boys up. As soon as they were all up, I started talking.

“Lex didn’t make it through the night. Jamie isn’t taking it well, obviously, so, yea, I thought you should know.” They all gave me ‘no duh’ at the end, but then their gazes turned to Jamie, who was whimpering and thrashing about in her bed. Her legs were tangled up in her sheets and I could clearly see her trying to get her way out of nightmare. Harry made his way over to her and just sat there, holding her hand. She soon calmed down and curled up in a ball. She looked so small, so weak, but yet she was the strongest person I know. 


Jamie’s POV

It’s been so hard to face the days without Lex, but I know she’s healthy and happy now. It’s been three days and the boys haven’t let me down. They’re trying to cheer me up and it’s the sweetest thing. I slipped on a dark gray dress and put my arms in the black sweater. I decided to wear tights with the outfit, so they went on as well. I didn’t trust myself with heels, so I put a pair of black flats on my feet and went to work on makeup and jewelry. I put about three necklaces on and slipped a chunky bracelet on my wrist. I put pale pink lipstick on and waterproof mascara. My mother advised me to bring tissues, so I put them in my black clutch. 

I met the boys out in the hallway, and Louis put his arm over my shoulder, forcing me to lean against him. We walked out to the limo that was slightly smaller than the one we used five days ago, and climbed in. The ride to the church was silent, but not in an awkward way. We were all off in our own little worlds. We soon arrived and I grabbed my guitar as we headed in the building. It was closed-casket, so that made things a little easier. As the funeral progressed on, I was asked to go up and speak.

“Lex and I were best friends. It didn’t matter that she was three years younger than me. If anything, it made us closer, like sisters. I just met her a few weeks ago, but she was nicer to me than anyone I’ve ever met. And I know, for sure, that she is in heaven, looking down at all of us. So, Lex, this one’s for you.” I started strumming on my guitar and sang Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne.

            I was barely able to finish the song through my tears. “Lex will always be my best friend. I love you.” I made my way off the podium and back to my seat, where Zayn wrapped me in a hug as the tears poured down my face. I wasn’t sobbing, just crying. No sounds were coming out of my mouth. We drove to the cemetery and we all laid roses on her white casket. They were pink roses, her favorite kind. As we drove back to the hospital, I thought about how lucky I was that the boys stayed for me when I needed them most, and that I would be forever grateful to them. We soon arrived back at the hospital, we didn’t want to go out to dinner with everybody else, and I needed a round of chemo today. The boys were going to head back to England today, but gave me their phone numbers so I could contact them and they could contact me. As I went into chemo, I realized I hadn’t coughed up blood and stuff lately. I mentioned this to the doctor. He looked at my charts and then said he wanted to run one more test. He took some blood.

I waited impatiently for three hours while the doctor was in the lab. He walked in the door with a smile covering his face. “Well, this is extremely rare, but it seems the chemo has worked, and you are now completely cancer free! You will have to come back every three months to see if it relapsed. Your hair will grow back within about a month, and you are free to go home!” Well, I wasn’t expecting this. But I’m happy, I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s just, I was just at a funeral for my best friend, it feels too soon to be happy.


I just finished packing up my stuff. Two nurses helped me carry my three boxes I had accumulated in the past weeks. We packed it up in the back of my mom’s car and I climbed, thanking them and saying goodbye. I immediately pulled out my phone and texted Harry.

‘just left the hospital somehow my cancer’s gone ;0’

‘that’s great love! Getting on the plane now, text you when we get back <3 (:’ I smiled at his text and proceeded to look out the window.

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