Chapter 31: Pre-concert Jitters

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MARCH 30TH, 2013
The day before the BVB and SWS concert

We were driving back to London from an airport in the northern England/Scotland area. I couldn’t remember which one it was, but I did know that the pain in my stomach from about two weeks ago was back, but was not as bad as before, this just an achy feeling. This time I decided to tell Louis. I climbed down from my bunk and walked to the back of the bus, where the kitchen area was.

“Um, hey Dad, my stomach kind of hurts… and I thought I should tell you this time. I just wanted to let you know, and I’ll tell you if it gets worse,” I told him, kind of embarrassed since Liam and Zayn were standing right there.

He looked up at me, worry evident in his eyes. “How bad is it on a scale of one to ten?” I thought for a minute.

“Somewhere between a three and a five.”

He relaxed visibly and sat back in the chair. “Okay, but if it gets up to a seven or more you have to tell me! Things can change in two weeks and I need to know if something is wrong or anything unusual happens. If you’re too embarrassed to tell me, or need a female, tell Danielle or Perrie, I’m sure they won’t mind.”

I nodded and headed back out to the front of the bus where Harry was sitting. I had started teaching him to play the acoustic last week and he was doing pretty well with it. He could play ‘Smoke on the Water,’ which is really the first song you should learn to play, and ‘The A Team’ by Ed Sheeran, by memory which is pretty hard.

He was now strumming a soft tune that I recognized as ‘Moments.’ “Hey, Jamie, you know what I realized, we’ve never heard you play the violin, yet you said you could play it,” he mentioned, looking up from the placement of his fingers.

“Well, you never asked, now did you?” I respond, sitting on the couch across from him.

“Well, now I am asking you, so can you please play the violin?” I sighed and nodded. “Hey! Boys! Jamie’s going to play violin for us!”

I pulled out my laptop and went to Google. “What do you want me to play?” I looked up at them, as they had all entered the room. They shrugged. I looked at Devyn.

“Overture!” she called out when she was sure no one else had a suggestion. I smiled and looked up the sheet music for it. I clicked on a link and sure enough, the screen was filled with the sheet music.

“Okay, you guys stay here, I think my violin got packed and it’s in my bunk somewhere!”

I climbed up to my bunk and opened the cabinet thing. I moved my two suitcases, and a gym bag before a found it. I pulled it out of its case along with the bow. It was just a regular violin, something I had saved for a long time to buy. I quickly tuned it before walking back out to the group.

“So, on Wretched and Divine, there’s an Overture, that’s just violin, so here it is.” I rested the violin on my shoulder and held it in place with my chin, as you do with a violin. I positioned the bow and looked down at the laptop.

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