Chapter 6: ICU for Jamie!

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     I was still sitting in my room when Zayn walked in at about 5 o’clock. “Hey, we missed you today. What happened?” I could tell he was trying to be gentle and I really appreciated it. I sucked in a deep breath.

“Well, first we went and got cotton candy, and he gave the girl there an autograph, and then we headed over to the Ferris wheel. On the way there, there was this group of girls, maybe sixteen? And I took a picture of them with Niall, and I went to hand the camera back to one of the girls, and she said that she didn’t know who I was or why I was with Niall, but that I was ugly and she didn’t know why Niall would ‘pick’ someone like me and not like her, and then acted all happy when Niall walked back over. Then we went on the Ferris wheel, and I told Niall why I am afraid of water, which I will tell you momentarily, and then we headed to the rollercoaster, to meet you guys. We were three minutes early, so Niall decided to hide and make you think we got lost. Then, well, you guys were looking for us, and we came out of the bush, and Liam was mad. After all you guys left, I tried to give Niall a hug, because I knew he was upset, but he said,” I paused, “he said it was all my fault his best friend hated him.” By now I was crying, but I didn’t really care.

“I’m gonna kill him,” Zayn muttered, his fists clenching.

     Louis walked in and saw me crying and immediately wrapped me in a hug. “What happened sweetheart?” I smiled slightly at his nickname, but then remembered how Niall called me Princess and choked back a sob. Zayn proceeded to tell him what happened, and Louis’s reaction was even worse. “Why, for carrots’ sake, would he do that to you? Oh my gosh, he will never see the light of day again! Ugh!” He wrapped me in a hug again, and muttered stuff about how no one would ever hurt me, I was part of his family now, and he protected his family. I squeezed him and let go. By now, Harry and Liam were at the door. When they saw me, they immediately looked at Louis and Zayn questioningly. They just shook their heads. Liam made his way over to me.

“I’m so sorry for yelling at you. It wasn’t your fault. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” I just shook my head and he looked up at Zayn, as he was crouched on the floor in front of me. Zayn then explained what had happened, and Liam’s face was red. Harry was pacing back and forth. Then, I was in the middle of a group hug. I gave a hug to Liam, seeing as he seemed the most huggable. I buried my face in his chest and tried to calm my sobs. I can’t believe I’m crying over someone I met yesterday. Key words being met and yesterday. But then I realized he was one of my biggest role models and he hated me. I finally managed to stop crying and sat down on my bed. Which was currently being occupied by 4/5 of One Direction. I ended up falling off the bed. They realized they were taking up my bed and scooted around to make room for me. I sat down, smushed in between Louis and Liam.

“Do you guys want to go out for dinner?” Louis asked.

“What about Niall and Lex?” I may be mad at Niall, but I’m not going to exclude him.

“They went to see Step Up Revolution,” Liam said. Now I was mad at Lex.

“Lex and I were supposed to see that tomorrow. We’ve planned this for weeks.” The boys looked at each other.

“Well, what do you say to some Italian food?” Harry asked. “I, um, well, we, I may have used the hospital kitchen to make spaghetti and meatballs.” I smiled at him.

“Ok!” I got up and we headed out to the elevators. I passed one of the nurses, who said that I had to stay in my room; they wanted to do some testing. I groaned and walked back to my room. I laid down on the bed, and one of the doctors came in and hooked me up to a bunch of machines that were supposed to measure my heartbeat and stuff when they started.

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