Chapter 17: Fainting Spells and Long-lost Sisters....

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I opened my eyes for the second time that day to see my room dark. I checked the clock. It was nine o'clock in the morning. I heard my stomach growl. I had never even eaten. I sat up and got head rush. I waited for it to go away, but it didn't. I decided to ignore it and grabbed my crutches. The room spun and I could tell I was going to faint.

"Dad!" I tried calling out, but my voice came out softly. I tried to find my way back to the bed, but then my vision went dark and I fell.


I was sitting on the couch, watching some crappy show when I heard Jamie's voice. "Dad!" It sounded like she was trying to shout, but it didn't work. I sprinted up the steps to her room. I opened her door to see her collapsed on the ground, crutches and all. I panicked. "Liam!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I knew he was on the phone with management, but that would have to wait.

"What? I'm on the phone!" I hesitated. Does he really need to be bothered? I took one look at my little girl and shouted back. "Get up here! It's Jamie!" I could hear his heavy footsteps on the steps and looked up to see all of the boys surrounding the door.

"What happened?" he asked frantically. "Well I was watching TV when I heard her call out for me, but it was really soft, and I ran up here and found her like this." He just nodded. He came over and gently moved me out of the way.

He picked up her ankles and lifted her legs a few feet in the air. He motioned to me. "Get her head and sit with it on your lap or in your hands or something," to the other boys he said, "It's okay, she just fainted, I'm guessing she didn't eat breakfast this morning and then was in the studio and then fell asleep. She didn't have enough water in her system, so Harry, go get a glass of water for when she wakes up, and Zayn, you go get a wet washcloth."

They hurried to get their supplies and I looked at Liam. "Sorry for interrupting your phone call," I said sheepishly. "Why? She fainted and needed help. Management understands." I smiled at him and the boys returned.

Zayn handed the washcloth to Liam, who placed it on her forehead. I saw her eyes flutter open, then shut again. Harry gave me the glass of water and I whispered to Jamie. "Open your eyes, cupcake, and drink the water, you'll feel better." She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me. I handed her the water and helped her sit up.

She sipped it and looked around. "What happened?" she asked, sounding really confused. I shot Liam a panicked glance. "You didn't have enough water in your system, so you passed out. You're okay now,"

he said, "but just to be sure, I need you to tell me some things." She nodded.

"How old are you?"


"When's your birthday?"

"May 29, 1999."

"What's your name?"

"Jamie Tomlinson."

"She's good. Now let's get some food into you!" She smiled gratefully and looked at me. "Could you help me up?" I nodded and stood up, placing my arms around her waist and placing her on my back. She shot me a questioning look. "Well you shouldn't be walking right after passing out, love." She grinned and nodded.

I walked downstairs to see Haz standing in the kitchen, stirring something on the stove. "Whatcha doin' Haz?"

"Making soup for the lovely lady on your back." Jamie giggled and moved to get off my back. "Not without your crutches," I stated sternly. "Then just pass me off to him." I sighed and moved closer to Harry. He held out his arms and I gently placed her in them.

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