Chapter 19: It's Christmas Time for One Direction

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After Niall played back the recording of Jamie singing, he told us we were going to be singing a cover of a Christmas song and putting it on the album as a bonus track. I looked through the list of Top Christmas Songs and found one I liked.

"Hey guys! Could we do "We Three Kings"? I know it's kind of religious and stuff, but I love that song." The boys looked at me, as if each debating whether they thought it was a good idea or not. Then Niall nodded.

"I like it. It's not like your traditional, oh Santa Claus this, Santa Claus that. It has a meaning and a story. I say yes." I grinned at him.

"Yeah, Niall's right, it's a really good song, and it tells the true story of Christmas," Louis chimed in.

"Oh my gosh! I forgot! How did I forget?" We all looked at Jamie, surprised by her outburst. "Oh, sorry. I completely forgot about Advent!" I looked up at her.

"You're Catholic?" She nodded. "Whoo! Someone like me!" She looked confused before smiling. "But yeah, it's Advent, second week. Is it weird that I keep an Advent wreath in my room?"

"Not at all. Ooh! Haz, you can take me to the Christmas mass, wait, are you allowed?" she asked me. The boys looked slightly confused at our conversation.

"I think management will let me go to church. We should go!" I jumped up and gave her a hug. This could be just a she and me thing.

"Sooooo, about We Three Kings?" Liam asked. I looked at the him and Zayn.

"It's up to you." They both nodded. "I like it, and I think Zayn's with me on this one," Liam replied. I grinned. Jamie gave us headphones and motioned for us to go in the booth. We stood in front of our respective microphones. She looked at us for a second before realizing something.

"I forgot you guys probably need lyrics." She went over to the computer, clicked a few buttons and I heard the sound of a printer.

"Since when is there a printer in here?" All the boys looked at me like I was an idiot. "Only since, um, forever," Louis replied sarcastically. I shrugged and Jamie entered the booth giving us the pieces of paper.

"I was thinking Harry would sing the first verse, you all sing the chorus every time, Louis sings the second, Niall sings the third, and Liam and Zayn split up the last one somehow? Sound good?" We nodded, shocked that she planned out a song before we had even sang it.

"Wait, how come Liam and I have to split a verse?" Zayn asked.

"Because Louis and Niall never get enough parts and you and Liam have more parts."

"Then why does Harry get a whole verse?" he pressed more.

"If it's causing this much trouble, Niall and I can share a verse?" Louis offered.

"No! Zayn, you and Liam are sharing a verse, and that's final. We'll run through it however many times you need, 'kay guys?" We nodded, shocked by Jamie yet again.

I heard the familiar music begin playing and grinned as I sang the first verse without the paper. I also had the chorus memorized from the countless times singing it as a child.

We finished the song and Jamie looked at us. "You all did great in your solos, but you need to learn to harmonize." We looked at her. "Geez, ok, Harry, you start the chorus, and I'll point at you if I want you to start singing or stop singing." I nodded.

"Oh, star of wonder, star of night," I sang. She pointed to Liam. "Star with royal beauty bright." She pointed to me again and I closed my mouth. Then she pointed to Louis, Niall, and Zayn.

"Westward leading, still proceeding." She pointed at all of us. "Guide us to thy perfect Light."

"Good job. You remember how that goes right? Harry- first line. Liam and Harry- second line. Everybody but Harry- third line. All of you- last line." We nodded. "Now sing the song again, applying that to every chorus, and then the last one, I want you to put a break between the second and third lines, and then Zayn, I need you to hold out bright a little longer and higher, and then just continue with the rest."

Zayn stared at her. "Thanks, Jamie." She smiled and nodded, motioning for us to start. We sang, remembering where she wanted us to start and stop and when it came time for Zayn to hold out his note, he did it like never before.

We ended the song and she smiled at us. "Listen to it." She clicked a button and I listened to it, especially the chorus. Jamie was right, it sounded really good when we sang it like that. When it ended, we removed the headphones and left the booth. We grabbed her in a hug. "Wait. Do any of you guys know where Devyn is?" she asked.

I looked at Zayn. "She said she was going home for Christmas, and would be back sometime in February. She said she was homesick." We nodded.

We all headed downstairs to see Simon sitting on the couch. "Hey Uncle Si!" we all exclaimed, well, all of us except Jamie. She just gave me a panicked look.

"Hi, boys. I just stopped by to meet this Jamie, and ask you a few things." We nodded and squished on the couch opposite him. He smiled at Jamie and she smiled right back. "How are you sweetheart?"

"I'm well, and how are you?" she said in the sweetest voice I had ever heard.

"Good, I'm good. Are the boys treating you okay?"

"Defintely. They're probably the biggest teddy bears in the world." He laughed and looked at us.

"So, I've heard she's recorded an original? And a Christmas album?" I nodded, shocked he knew about the Christmas album. "Liam called me asking me if it was alright. I need to hear the original and I want to hear your boys' cover." He walked up the steps to the recording room, already knowing where it was. We followed after him and stood there like soldiers as he fiddled with the computer.

Soon Jamie's Beautiful People blared through the speakers and his eyes widened. I felt Jamie wrap her arms around me, probably nervous he didn't like it or something. The song ended and he looked at Jamie. "That was amazing! Now to hear the boys'!" He acted completely different around Jamie.

Our version of We Three Kings played and he looked shocked this time as well. "Who came up with the harmonizing in the chorus?" We pointed at Jamie and he grinned. "You just keep getting more and more talented. Do you play any instruments?"

"Yes, I play guitar, piano, drums, and violin."

I didn't know she played violin...oh well. Simon's impressed. "Well, if you could come into the office tomorrow with your parent or guardian..s, I can sign you to my label, if you want?" She jumped, landing on her good leg.

"Really? Louis can we go can we go can we go?!?!?!?!?" Louis calmed her down and said yes.

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