Chapter 7

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~~~Shinsou's P O.V.~~~

I turn around and smirked at Denki. "Where were we?"

Denki just smiles. "Oh no you don't. We're friends. Friends don't do this."

He grabs his phone and walks out. "I think my friends were coming over for the day we had planned. See you later?"

I just nod. "Yea, sure. See you later."

He smiles again, and walks out.

I walk to my bed, and sit down. I was getting lost in my thoughts. Damn. I like him. I know this now. But....I can't tell him. I'm just gonna have to hide it, and hope it goes away.

I sigh, and lay back on the bed. I like him, and maybe. Just maybe, he likes me back. I hope he does anyway.

I sigh again, and close my eyes. I rub my temples. "I'm gay. So fucking gay."

I always thought I was straight, but for some reason whenever I came into contact with a girl, I felt....wrong. it didn't feel right.

I hear the door open, so I look over, and sit up. "What are you doing back?"

Denki sighs and sits down. "Well... They want you to come, because they found it hilarious that you got bakugo to do what you wanted with no argument." He looks at me, and laughs softly.

I laugh with him. "Well, what do you want to do? It's up to you. I mean their your friends."

He laughs more. "I don't know. I said I'd come and talk to you."

I saw there for a moment. "Well, I mean I guess it depends on where your going."

He pulled out his phone. "Umm, I have no idea. Let me check." He starts typing, probably his friends, and sets it down. "I wasn't  listening when they said where were going." He chuckled.

I just laughed. "Ok, you dork."

He stuck his tongue at me. I laugh again. "My bad. You're not a dork. You're a child."

He just grinned at me. His phone pinged, and he looked at it. "Oh! We're going to the fair!"

I shrugged. "Ok, then. Let's go."

We get up, and start walking. While on our way, to Bakugo's dorm, we strike up conversation.

It was nothing major, or special. Just talking about our parents. When we finally got to Bakugo's dorm, Mina pulled Denki in, and started whispering to him.

He blushed, and shook his head at her, and I saw he glanced at me. I gave him a look of confusions, but he just looked away.

He seemed to sigh, and just nodded. Mina smiled, and jumped up and down.

"We'll be right back!! We need to talk!" Mina practically shouted, before dragging out a pertrified Denki.

I just stared, before sitting down. "What was. That all about?"

Sero shrugged. "Whenever Mina acts like that, she has something that involves love planned. She's probably giving Denki a makeover." Sero looked at Kirishima and Bakugo, who were in a conversation, and joined them.

I sat there, akward and pulled my phone out.

~~~Denki's P.O.V.~~~

when we got to Bakugo's dorm, Mina opened the door, and dragged me in.

She pulled me to a corner in the dorm. "I have a pplllaaannn!!!" She squealed, and jumped up and down.

"What is it?" I answer her. I was curious, but scared at the same time. I knew that face, and didn't want to know what she had planned.

"We need to get you and Shinsou alone, and for you two to confess your love for each other!!!"

I blushed. "H-how do you plan to do that?"

She squealed again. "The ferris wheel. The other's already know. Just making sure you want this to happen!"

I blush more, and shake my head. I look at Shinsou. "I can't!! It's Shinsou we're talking about! He may have done what he did with me, may have been in the moment."

He gave me a confused look, and I just stared at him a bit longer, than looked away. "Pleeasssseee!?! C'mon! I know you want to!!!"

I sighed, and nodded. "Fine. I don't see why not."

She squeals loud enough for the other's to hear, and rags me to the door. "We'll be right back! We need to talk!" Then she dragged me out.

I was terrified. I knew what she was gonna do. She was gonna give me a makeover, and would dress me in the most provacative she could muster.

I look Shinsou, and silently beg. HELP ME! DONT LET HER TORTURE MEEEHH! HALP!

Mina laughed, and ran to her room. "This is gonna be the best makeover EVER!"

I gulp, and start to panic. "N-nothing major, right? L-like, no... No lingerie?"

Mina just smiled, and sat me down on a chair in the bathroom. She grabs a bunch of female devices that I believe we're made to torture men.

She sits down, and sets all the stuff down. She just stares at me, and looks like she's thinking.

I suck in a breath when I see her grab makeup. "W-what are you gonna do??"

She smiles. "I'm gonna go easy. you just need a little makeup. Nothing big. I promise." She tells me to close my eyes, and starts applying makeup.

~~~Time skip: After makeover~~~

"NOOOO!!! Don't make me go in theerrreee!!" I'll admit it. I was whining like a child.

I didn't want to go in there. What Mina did to me was awesome, but I didn't plan on letting anyone see. Let alone the guy I've been crushing since middle school see me.

She had done my makeup, and it was soft, and light. Nothing major. Then she had straightened my hair out, and with my hair being shoulder length, she put it in a ponytail. She had "accidentally" bought an outfit that unfortunately was too small for her, but it fit me, so now it's mine.

The outift she gave me was a purple croptop with the words, "I am a dumbass 100%!! Don't be a hater!" The jeans were black skin-tight jeans. I had black high-tops with gold stripes along the sides.

"C'mon!!! I told you I was setting you up with him!! Now... Go... In!" She shrieked, and fell backwards, but had succeeded, I had fallen backwards, letting go of the pillar I'd been clinging to.

She gave a breath laugh. "C'mon! It's not that bad! You look good!" She offered her hand, and I took, being crazy nervous. "Ready to go in?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed, and took a deep breath, before opening the door and walking in.


HAHA! CLIFFHANGER!! Sorry, I had to. Suspense is the best thing from stories!!! Hope your enjoying the story, and I hope you guys stay tuned for the next chapter!!

-Sincerely, you're author 🧟🧟

Word count: 1148 words

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