Chapter 11

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~~~Denki's P.O.V.~~~

After a while of hanging on towels, I stood up. "I'm bored. Let's go in the water!!not What's the point of being t a beach if we don't get in the water!"

They all nodded, and stood up. Shinsou removed his hoodie to reveal his extremely toned body, and set it on his towel. He looked up at everyone, who had shocked looks. "What? Is something wrong?" He looked behind him, but looked back. "What are you guys looking at?"

I blushed, and spoke. "We're looking at you, and you're b-body." I looked blushing.

He chuckled. "Why? So, I have a few muscles, but so does all the other guys!" He stated.

Izuku spoke up, shocking himself. "Yeah, but not as toned or large in muscle size like you!" He covered his mouth, blushing from embarrassment, and looks down.

Everyone nodded, and Shinsou shrugged. "Ehh. I don't really notice my size." And he walked over to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

I blushed, and placed my palms on his chest, smiling. "Can I help you?"

He nodded, and picked me up, tossing me over his shoulder. "AAAHHHH! PUT ME DOWN!" I shrieked, laughing. "PUT. ME DOWN, SHINSOU!"

He laughed, and rushed towards the water. "No! I'm gonna carry you!"

I laughed, and gave up. "You dork!"

He laughed, and came to a stop. "You ready?"

I got confused. "Ready for wha- AAHHH!"

I hit the water, and sank to the bottom. I gasped for breath, and sucked in water. I paniced and jumped up, reaching the surface, for I wasbt in too deep.

I coughed, spitting water out. "S-so... Salty." I laughed, and coughed more. I made my way to Shinsou.

He laughed at me. "Sorry, I should've told you to hold your breath!"

I hit him playfully. "No! You shouldn't have tossed me like a ragdoll!"

He laughed more. "I can't help it if you're crazy light!"

I gasped ramatkcslly, and glared at him playfully. "I'm not THAT light!"

Everybody was laughing, and had been standing there for a while now. "Yes your are, dunceface!" Bakugo piped up, laughing.

I pouted. "No I'm not!"

Shinsou laughs, and picks me up bridal style. I shriek, and laugh with them.

Eri jumped up, and ran over. "Piggy back-ride! I want a piggy-back ride!!"

I laughed, and managed to get out of Shinsou's arms, and made my way over to her. "Right now? Or when you get to high school?"

She giggled. "Right now, silly!" She jumped up and down, wanting one.

I laughed, and turned around, crouching. "Hop on, little sister! We be goin for a rideeeeee!"

Everyone laughed, as Eri jumped on, and I shot up. "Off we go to Neverland!"

I took off like a bullet, Eri laughing. "Faster! Faster!"

I took off faster, and she giggled more. She raised her arms above her head, and laughed.

I looked up at her, and couldn't help but laugh with her.


I looked down, and gasped as I crashed into someone, knocking Eri and myself to the ground.

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