Chapter 40

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❗️❗️❗️FLUFF, LIGHT SMUT❗️❗️❗️

~~~Denki's POV~~~

Yesterday was the greatest day of my life. I smiled down at the ring that lay on my finger, tears building in my eyes. I still couldn't believe that I was no longer just Toshi's boyfriend. I was his fiancée.

I was currently sitting in our room by myself, the tv on, playing some random show, but I wasn't really paying attention. Shinsou was out with the others, who were down at the indoor pool. I told him I just wanted to take a small nap, and that I'd join them later.

I wasnt't lying, my intentions were to take a nap, but I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. Those 4 words kept running over and over in my head.

'Will you marry me?'

A huge grin slipped onto my lips as I ran my fingers over the ring, the designs engraved on the ring seemingly looking to move. A small squeal left my mouth as I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled my hand closer to my chest, holding it into a fist as if I was afraid the ring would vanish from my fingers.

I let myself fall backwards onto the pillows, a quiet giggle escaping my throat. "He wants me to marry him.."

I opened my eyes, and stared up at the ceiling yet, I wasn't looking at the ceiling. I spaced off, thoughts of what our wedding would be like flashing through my head. What would the theme be? Yellow? Purple? Both? Or would we choose a color that worked for both of us? How many guests would be there? Should I wear a dress or a suit? If I wore a dress, who would be my maid of honor? If I didn't, who'd be my best man?

These questions were flying through my head faster and faster, and it made me start to panic as I realized it didn't know anything about weddings. I've never been to one, and I didn't even know what to do. Where would the wedding be held? What kind of cake would we have? Where would we have the reception? Would we even have a honeymoon? How soon would the wedding even be?

My breathing started to pick up and I jumped when I felt a dip in the mattress and a hand touch my knee. I sat up, and looked over to see Mina sitting on the bed, the bakusquad surrounding the bed.

Ever since they found out the truth about Monoma, he unofficially joined our squad, so he was of course, there with them. Mina smiled softly. "What's wrong, hun?" She reached a hand forward and wiped my face softly with her thumb, and it was only then that I realized I was crying.

I took a deep breath, before looking down at my lap. "I...I want to marry him. More than anything in the whole wide world, but...I..I don't know what to do.." I lifted my legs to my chest, wrapping my arms around them, and burying my face into my knees.

"What do you mean, hun? Come on, talk to me." She pulled me into her grip, her arms wrapped around me. I wrapped my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder.

"I don't know the first thing about a wedding. H-how do I arrange one? Where would I even go for that? S-should I wear a dress or would that be wrong? What's the theme even gonna be!? How soon is too soon for a wedding!?! Ho-"

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. It's ok, Denki." Mina shushed me softly, her fingers running through my hair. The rest of the bakusquad had sat down on the bed, some of them running their hands on my back. "You have time to figure this all out. I swear it'll be ok."

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