Chapter 4

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~~~Shinsou's P.O.V.~~~

I was the first one up, and out of the door, partially excited for the new class. But.. a part of me would rather me taken out of school, to avoid the names.

I was making my way to school, when I almost knocked someone over. "Jesus! Watch where you're go-"

"I-i-i'm so sorry! I'm running behind!" I recognized him as that kid from the fesitival.

"You're....izuku right?"

The green-haired boy looks up. "Umm... Yeah. And you're... *gasp* You're Shinsou Hitoshi! You're quirk is Brain Washing, right?" He was crazy excited, and was pulling out a notebook.

I chuckle. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

He started taking notes. On me, I think. "Oh! Umm, i-i guess.. I guess I studied you." He didn't bother looking up, like this was a normal thing.

I just stare at him, and pick up the few things I dropped. "UA, huh?"

Izuku looked up confused. "W-wha?"

I nodded towards izuku's uniform. "I go there, too. Though, I'm transferring to a new class today, so I decided to get here early."

Izuku smiled. "Really? Well, what class are you transferring to? M-maybe I can help?" He tilted his head to the side, and I just smile.

"Umm, no thanks. I know where it is. Do you.. wanna walk with me?"

Izuku smiled more, and nodded, breaking into conversation.

He did most of the talking, and I just spoke when I needed to. He seemed to be attached to this "kacchan" person, who sounded like someone from school, but I didn't ask for specific's.

When we reached the school, we went our separate ways. I walked towards a bench near some orchid trees, and he went and caught up with some friends.

I pulled out my phone, put on some music, and grabbed my backpack. I pulled out some pencils, and a sketchbook, and started drawing.

It was nothing in particular, just a sketch of a girl sitting underneath a tree.

I often found myself drawing or listening to music to escape this horrible, nightmarish reality called life.

Soon, I realized most of the school had showed up while I was sketching, and noticed that the bakusquad had also shown up. They all stood mere feet away from me, but I didn't take the time to look at them all this time, not wanting to risk them seeing me look. So, I just looked back down at my sketch, and continued it.

I heard the bell ring, and I grabbed my things, and made my way to my new class. I kept my earbuds in, not wanting to hear the names today.

Not today. I'm not letting them get to me today. I smile, and get to class 1-A.

Dad is already waiting outside the room. When he sees me he just walks over. "I haven't informed the class that today was the day you showed up. When I introduce you, is when you may walk in. So just wait here, ok?"

I nod my head, and put my sketchbook, and phone away. I feel nervous and giddy at the same time.

The bell rang, signalling class had started, and I heard dad clear his throat.

"Alright class. As you know, we were getting a new-ish student. One that transferred." I heard the whole class cheer, and I couldn't help but wonder why. "Please make him feel welcome. That includes you two problem children."

I heard someone cursing, and some explosions.

"His name is Shinsou Hitoshi. Shinsou, would you come in?"

That was my cue. I took a few deep breaths, and walked in.

Dad looked at me, and said,"please introduce yourself."

I sigh and look at the class. "I'm Shinsou Hitoshi, and my quirk is Brain Washing. I have no intentions of making friends." I deadpanned.

Dad sighs, runs his temples, and mumbles something. After a moment he looks up. "Go sit next to Denki Kaminari. Denki, raise your hand."

I look, and see a very familiar blonde raising his hand, his eyes widened. I slightly widen my eyes, and make my way to my new seat.

I sit down, and look at the blackboard, hoping to get straight to work.

I feel someone tap my shoulder, and I look over and see Denki smiling. "Hi! I'm Denki!" He whispered.

I shrug. "Shinsou." I look back at the board, and copy down the notes dad placed up.

Someone tap my shoulder again. "Yes, Denki?" I didn't even bother looking from the board.

"Wanna be friends? It would be SO rad!"

"No." I copy down more notes, and my eyes never look at Denki.

"Oh, c'mon! I'm like, super cool! You would like my friends!"

"No." Why was this kid so persistent?! It's really annoying.

I hear a quiet groan, and against my best instincts, I look over, and see Denki pouting.

He see's my looking, and gives a smile.

I look away, and feel my face heating up. What's wrong with me!?! Am i.- am I blushing!?! But, I'm not I?

Heyyyyy, guys!! I hope your still with me, and are enjoying this book! It's going to get better.

-Sincerely, you're author 😝

Word count: 875 words.

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