Chapter 1: The Divergence

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Men were not born equal in this world yet you would think humanity would try to make the world as best as they could so that the overall level of humanity would increase due to the accomplishments of everyone. However, it seems humans are cruel creatures as they only aimed to make the unfairness even more unfair. Now you might be wondering how we know about this? How we are so sure of this? Well, that is easy as we will follow the life of one Izuku Midoriya and we will see how the world treated him and how they finally made him snap. This snap would have a shockwave effect that would alter the course of humanity as Izuku Midoriya wasn't your average person at all. Instead, he was a person they should have feared from birth but they took his unwillingness to raise his hand in retaliation as a sign of weakness instead of restraint. As such, Izuku Midoriya finally got pushed too far and decided it was time for him to change the world. It was time for a revolution and he would lead it and rule the new world order so that fairness was no longer a fantasy. 


3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya day was going just like it always was. He was being picked on and bullied by the other students and the teachers did nothing to stop them. In fact, they even encouraged the students to do some of the things that they did to Izuku Midoriya and that boiled his blood but Izuku kept his smile on and pushed through each day. Izuku refused to break under their attacks, he refused to bend from his goal. His goal you might be wondering was to become a hero. He didn't care to be the next number one hero because he was realistic that someone like him would never be able to do that but he didn't care how high in the ranks he went. He only wanted to save people. He wanted to save other quirkless people, the people that are torn down by society, those that are forgotten! He wanted to be a hero to these people! That is all that he ever wanted but any mention of him being a hero would be as if blood was in the water and the sharks would come to eat him alive.

Izuku Midoriya was currently sitting at his desk and praying for the day to get closer to the end. He was writing in his notebook labeled hero analysis for the future. In this book, he was taking notes of peoples fighting styles, their quirks, their weaknesses, their strengths, and anything overall that Izuku deemed useful. Then Izuku heard the teacher talk about career choices and Izuku felt his stomach drop. 'He's going to screw me over isn't he?' Izuku thought as he saw the smirk on the teacher's face. At that moment, Izuku knew that the teacher was going to announce his choice on where he wanted to go and that would send everyone after him. Izuku was more scared of what Bakugo would do. Yes, that is right. Izuku does not refer to Katsuki Bakugo as Kacchan in his own mind! He only does that to keep appearances up since he's sure that Bakugo would find him fishy if he suddenly stopped after all of these years. As such, he does it to keep appearances up only. 

Izuku still saw Bakugo as an old friend though and wish he would go back but he knew... he knew that Bakugo Katsuki was likely too far gone for him to go back to his old self. Even if he did there is so much damage that he has caused that he doesn't even acknowledge it. As Izuku was sitting there and preparing himself he heard the teacher announce where he wanted to go and then he could feel the change in temperature as Bakugo turned his quirk on and had small explosions already in his hand as he slammed his hand down on Izuku's desk causing a small explosion that knocked Izuku back and out of his chair onto the floor. 'The number of crimes he gets away with every single day is stupid!' Izuku thought. However, he knew he could do nothing about it since the last time he tried to even got to the police they laughed at him since he was quirkless and said to stop lying. Izuku's trust in the police weakened greatly that day and he decided to keep silent and shutup. 

Bakugo was yelling at Izuku and asking him stupid questions like if Izuku thought he was better than him and some other random crap that Izuku just played stupid on and waved his hands to calm Bakugo down. 'I don't need more wounds to care for...' Izuku thought as he got back into his seat. The rest of the class went by and it was time for them to all go home. However, Bakugo was not done with Izuku Midoriya. Bakugo walked up and pushed Izuku back down into his chair and was talking to Izuku. "Damn useless Deku! How dare you try to go for UA. Quirkless freaks aren't welcomed there and it's going to be my perfect origin story of leaving this dump without any useless people following me! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Bakugo stated and Izuku just gritted his teeth and shouted back that they got rid of the rule that stops quirkless people years ago. Bakugo didn't like that answer and placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder and burnt it a bit. He then grabbed the notebook and asked if it was a diary before he used his quirk on it to destroy parts of it before he tossed it out of the window. 

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