Chapter 34: Large Scale Combat!

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3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya was a man that acted fast on things he truly wanted nowadays. No longer was he like the former self that allowed himself to be pushed around by others and denied what he desired! No, instead Izuku was an emperor and he would act more like it because the meeting he had with UA had changed his mindset quite a bit as he was still acting and holding back as he felt unconfident in everything he had done because of the effects his past had on him but he realized he had to leave the past behind and stop it from having such a large impact on him. As such, the moment he arrived back at the man base he ordered for his First and Second Corps of advance trained soldiers to start preparing for an assault. Now, this confused his Verdant Guards because they knew they would be taking Shizuoka but they didn't think their emperor would do it right away after just having the meeting with the pro hero and students from UA. 

As such, they followed their emperor into the war room where he changed into his combat outfit in the bathroom and came out looking determined. "I like the change but I would like to know what sparked this and why did you just order for the First and Second Corps to prepare for an assault when we don't have anything planned for another few weeks?" asked Dabi and everyone else of his Verdant Guards nodded their heads as well. Izuku turned to them and looked directly into each of their eyes. "I realized something due to that meeting... I allowed my past to make me unconfident in how I was doing everything. I was planning everything down to the last single detail and in the grand scheme of long-term plans that is okay but in the middle of a war it's not really okay. It's time we start speeding up this war as I want to bring it to an end because the longer we wait the higher chance the government pulls some foolish stunt that screws up our plans." Izuku said and then he took a breath and lowered his head a bit before looking back up.

"I am done allowing my past to hold me back. As All Might said, the people of our organization look to me as a fair and just leader but how can I be that when I am hiding within myself as I try to plan for every single detail and delay a war that we could end faster. The longer we wait the higher chance that more will die. As such, it's time I start being a true emperor and leading my people." Izuku said and the Verdant Guards all stood there with wide eyes but then they all smiled as they bowed their heads and saluted Izuku. "AS YOU WISH OUR EMPEROR! YOUR WILL IS OUR COMMAND!" they all said out loud and asked what they needed to do. Izuku nodded his head and brought the war map up. 

"It's time we stop fearing the Navy. As it stands we have control of over 50% of the naval forces as we replaced them all with clones. I know the clones don't have the knowledge or skills to run those ships but it doesn't matter. The fact that we take away have of the naval forces that we used to fear from our advanced to the other Islands of Japan can't stop us anymore." Izuku said as he wanted as Izuku wanted the First Corps to advance and take the entire prefectures marked in grey and if possible advance to take the Pink Prefectures. While that was going on, Izuku was going to have the second Corps march and push the government defense line that the government has set up out of the light blue marked areas as best as they can. The goals were to take Fukui, Gifu, and Shizuoka. The reason that Izuku really only desired for them to take those was due to the fact that they learned recently that the government had been really busy under their noses as the government had built a lot of trenches in Nagano, Toyama, and Yamanashi via quirks which they seem to want to turn it into a trench style battlefield which would indeed prove hard to push through since Izuku suspected a sheer number of traps placed between the trenches.

As such, they would need to investigate where all the traps and trenches are at as they moved through those prefectures but that wasn't going to stop Izuku from taking the rest of the land. No, once the First Corp was done in the south they would push to reinforce the Second Corp where Izuku will start revealing the other corps as well since he was done hiding the large army that he has. The reason he wasn't going to pull the entire army out was due to the fact that Izuku didn't want to provoke any other country from deeming the Verdant group as a threat and deciding to support Japan more than they are already since Izuku knew some governments were sending supplies.

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