Chapter 27: Desperation!

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3rd POV:

It had been some time since the large-scale battle that the Military Defense Line Incident was conducted and it's also has been long enough to stabilize most of the area that the Verdant Group had taken over during that mission. However, all things were not easygoing as word had reached Izuku on the desperation that the heroes and government have reached in attempting to end the war. From what has been gathered through the bug quirk user is that the government is planning to aim for Izuku's head in an assassination attempt that they were planning to conduct. The problem the government was facing was finding Izuku's location which Izuku and the Verdant group had made it near impossible to find due to all of the bases spread across Japan and internationally. Then there is the issue of even finding one of the bases to start with since they were all hidden. 

As such, Izuku had called a meeting and what this meeting was about was to consider leaking a location of a fake base. Everyone was concerned about sacrificing one of the actual bases since they were so well hidden and took time to set up. As such, they needed to decide on how they would allow the government to 'find' Izuku's location without setting anything off but also make it real enough to pull the government in without risking really anything. As they sat there and talked about it Stain proposed an idea that caught their attention.

"What if we leak a fake advance base?" Stain suggested and he was asked to explain what he meant. Stain walked over to the current war map on the wall that showed the places they controlled and the publicly controlled place with where the government forces were located at. He then pointed at Aichi on the map which they controlled the underworld of but not publicly. "What I am suggesting is to leak somehow a fake plan of us aiming to take the prefecture of Aichi over. There are a lot of ports/docks in this prefecture with a lot of warehouses which includes a lot of abandoned ones. As such, we could start converting it into a fake base and allow a hero or someone to spot a few of our men in the area which they could track down to the warehouse." Stain said since it would be reasonable to find a hidden base in Aichi since the group would end up pushing towards that sooner or later. 

They would also have Izuku make a few appearances instead of a clone of himself so that the government would know he was real. Later on, they could send a clone in his place so they didn't truly risk his life if a random hero decided to get a stupid idea in trying to take Izuku out before the government attacks. They were all liking the idea and they could use a lot of clones without risking their actual men for the assault. After some more decision making the plan came to a conclusion and it was time to set it into motion. Clones of the construction teams were made and would be taken via the teleportation gate. They would also be using a secondary location to do the transportation instead of leaving via the main base in the event a hero goes into one of the teleportations somehow. This would stop any tracking devices from giving away the main bases. 

Another few weeks passed and it was time to put the plans into motion but on a separate note, the Verdant group had taken over all of south Japan's underworld since they had recently gotten all organizations in the grey-colored land to give in to the group. A few groups were put down due to what they were doing for example as one organization took part in human trafficking which Iuzku had them wiped out. As such, the Verdant group now controlled everything in Light blue down to the very end of Japan in grey in regards to the underworld and had the Orange and Purple publicly controlled.

 As such, the Verdant group now controlled everything in Light blue down to the very end of Japan in grey in regards to the underworld and had the Orange and Purple publicly controlled

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