Chapter 37: Meeting & Ackowlegements

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3rd POV:

Another two weeks had passed and it was now time for the meeting that Izuku had scheduled with Nezu to talk in more detail about how UA would transform moving forward. Izuku also had been informed of a breakthrough in many different projects that Izuku had the verdant group conducting. One said the project was the space frontier program project which was the Verdant Agency that was tasked to experiment and create the things that Izuku needed for the future space exportation projects that would be run under the SFP (Space Frontier Program). These things included stabilizing a teleportation gate that allows them to access the moon itself! Overall, they were struggling to get it to work as Izuku had to step away from the war planning and efforts to help out a few times but finally, the scientists he had working hard on the project had made a breakthrough as they were able to figure out how to program the gate to accept coordinates that would go off of the planet. These new coordinates were called the Celestial coordinate system as they allowed the teleportation or what they are hoping is the teleportation to space which their first target would be the moon itself.

Now, they haven't actually conducted a live experiment because they were currently building said facilities away from any populated areas due to fears of an accident happening. The fact is that the gate would open up to a vacuum of space currently which could or would in theory suck everything out around the gate itself on their side once they opened it. This meant they were currently building a lab facility in the middle of nowhere that would have a vacuum-secured room where they would suck the air out of it. There would also only be clones inside the test rooms as well since Izuku didn't want any of his workers dying in a test.

The first test still being planned out and prepared for as they were putting the finishing touches on it but he would be informed when the test was ready. Outside of that, the fundamental plans and test structures for the Verdant Moonbase had been long completed but were still undergoing heavy tests. These were being done in an air vacuumed facility as well but on a larger scale since they had recreated a version of what the actual moon base would be like. Over the past few months, a team of 100 Verdant members has been living in it to see how it would be like. No contact physically was given with them nor verbally. The scientists could hear everything they were saying and see everything but they wanted to act as if quick contact was impossible to simulate if the teleportation gate had gone inactive for any reason.

They were almost done with the tests and so far only some fixes and adjustments had to be made to the plans for the first moon base but if things go correctly then within 6 months of stabilizing Japan would have the ability to finish the first moon base. Overall, they were a bit ahead of schedule on it but Izuku was happy with the progress. 'Clones of the scientists really speed up the work since you typically only have a limited number of minds that are capable of figuring it all out in a normal science program.' Izuku thought as he reviewed the reports from the SFP agency.

Overall, outside of the SFP, there were still the progressing results from the special police agents that have been created from the decent heroes that had stayed in Verdant-controlled land. Overall, there haven't been any issues that rose to the need of him stepping in but he did know of a few accidents that got resolved quickly via increased training by local police departments which Izuku was proud of them taking charge of the situation and fixing the issues. One issue was that an agent had acted out of line and had shown some quirkest behavior which resulted in the person being fired once it was confirmed. Another issue was that a person needed an increase in rescue training which was quickly handled. It was issued that would get worked out once Izuku could get the university program set up and require future special agents to pass from which would have high standards. Now, outside of all of that, It was time for Izuku to head to the meeting in the next few hours but Izuku decided to make a quick stop somewhere. As Izuku changed into his Emperor outfit that his Verdant Guards required of him even though he was meant to be the ruler! Izuku then took his Verdant Guards with him to make a stop at the Verdant Prison. 

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