Chapter 40: The Verdant Emperor Will! [End]

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3rd POV:

Three years had passed since Izuku Midoriya had taken control of Japan which has resulted in many changes within Japan but also the world as many things came to light. There were no longer any Pro Heros within Japan but some people had turned to vigilantism which still wasn't acceptable under the Verdant control since these people were less trained and tended to cause far more damage and wounds than the special agents that belonged to the police force. Speaking of the special agents, the idea of them had even spread to other countries that had begun to look into adopting the system. One said the country was the United States of America where All Might had spent quite a few years before returning to Japan. 

America was never really fully into the hero system but there was no other viable system that anyone coulda agree with until the new system out of Japan appeared. America had sent people to study the effects of the system and recently announced they would start formal transitions into adapting the system over a few years to ease their country into the shift. Other countries were still watching it before they adapted it since the hero system was more rooted in their countries but the new system had an interesting appeal to them all. Now, back to the vigilantism issue in Japan.

Sadly, one of the main people who had decided to become a vigilante was Mirio Togata who still held onto his dream of being a hero even though he could have gone through the training to become a special agent with the police. However, Mirio chooses to go the vigilante route since he didn't want to spend more heroes training when he had gone through so many years of training at UA to be a Pro Hero. His last statement before running off was the fact that Pro Heros had been turned into special agents while the war was still going on without going through the process so why couldn't he. He believed Izuku didn't want to offer Mirio the same route as the others that had just automatically been accepted as special agents which weren't true from Izuku's viewpoint. Izuku wanted everyone to go through the process and had even required intense retraining of all of the heroes turned special agents over the years which Mirio never knew about since Izuku didn't spread it around much since only so few Pro Heros had actually gotten turned into special agents.

That is how they found themselves in this position with one Mirio Togata sitting in a prison cell across from Izuku Midoriya, All Might, Nezu, the former emperor, and the Verdant Guards. Izuku truly didn't know why Mirio chooses to go this route when he only needed to spend a few years training and he could have been doing what he wanted. Nearly 25% of those from Mirio's class which included the other two from the big 3 had gone through the training as they were now on the field. They had become some of the top performers as well since they quickly made their way through all of the basic training and specialized training which astonished Izuku but it was amazing nonetheless. 

Everyone else from Mirio's year had chosen different career routes which weren't surprising for most of them in the fields they went into due to their quirks. Izuku looked at Mirio and sighed as he looked at Mirio and decided to start speaking. "Mirio... I still don't understand why you didn't just go the training route. Your classmates that decided to go that route have already made it out on the field yet you choose to go become a vigilante and cause so much damage fighting criminals... you caused about 45% more damage than a typical special agent which is exactly the reason we have the training they go through since the damage is so high is unacceptable..." Izuku said as he looked at Mirio. Mirio looked ashamed to be in front of All Might like how he is and for likely being caught. 

"Young Togata... I truly wish you didn't go down this route. The old system is gone and from where I stand it looks like you only want to continue being a Pro Hero when that is gone. Instead, you became an illegal vigilante and cause so much trouble that you have now landed here in prison. What do you get to say for yourself?" All Might asked and LeMillon looked at him and apologized for letting him down and the legacy he was meant to uphold as a symbol of peace. "I wanted to uphold the legacy but I didn't know how to without being able to be a Pro Hero... I had tunnel vision which leads to my actions." Mirio said and apologized. Izuku nodded his head but he had reached a decision before coming down to this cell today as he had spoken to all of the Verdant Guards several days ago. As such, before the others even entered the prison, Izuku had his order handed out which even Mirio didn't realize what had happened since several quirks were used to have it done so he wouldn't realize it.

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