Chapter 26: Battle Aftermath

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3rd Pov:

Izuku sat in his temporary office inside a building in the Okayama Prefecture as they had completed gaining control and stabilizing as best as they could over the past few days that had passed. Their citizens of the Hyogo prefecture border towns all had returned to their homes with only a few destroyed since most of the fight was pushed into Okayama and Tottori prefectures which then spread to the other orange prefectures as well. Izuku was reviewing the reports of all of the dead and damages that had been caused to the large-scale battle. Overall, in the grand scheme of things, it wasn't horrible compared to other wars since Izuku was focused on keeping death counts down as best as he could but it still hurt to see the numbers in front of him.

The death counts including all sides in this war had now surpassed 100,000 as the entire death count which is still being counted at this point was sitting at 171,500 of an estimate. This was the death count for the entire war but for this individual battle for the orange prefectures, it was a total of 135,300 deaths for this segment of the war. Overall, those numbers are amazing since this was a war for an entire nation but it still was haunting to see the numbers themselves right in front of him. The government military side and little heroes had suffered a massive death count since they had around 50,000 troops or so. Of the 50,000 troops deployed by the government only around 13,500 troops remained alive but that wasn't really what bothered Izuku the most of the numbers nor was the uptick in deaths on his side which overall death count rose from the 200 overall in the war to 15,000 by the end of the battles. No, the fact that around 84,000 civilians had died due to the fact that the government didn't order their civilians to retreat. That fact annoyed Izuku greatly and made him pissed with the government since it only took starting the sirens spread across the prefecture and going over the intercom system connected to it to start ordering people to flee which would have caught on but no. Due to the fact that the government didn't order their civilians to flee until about an hour or so into the conflict... a lot of people died when they didn't need to.

Izuku sighed and sat the reports assigned and started reading the reports on the new member counts as they didn't have them done until recently even though they had taken over the underworld before the fight had started. Their new member count was 1,695,000 members with combat able forces standing at 820,000 members which were amazing in Izuku's mind as they were close to having a million strong fighting force. These numbers of course never included the public supporters across Japan which had only increased with time. Izuku had also received word that foreign governments had reached out to Verdant and asked if there was any way for the war to come to an end since the international community was freaked out after the Military Defense Line battle. Izuku had a message sent back to all of them that was simple. "We are here to stay as the only way for this to end is for the government of Japan to surrender or for Verdant to be killed off or imprisoned." said the message Izuku had delivered to all foreign governments that contacted them. 

The media had been reporting none stop on the aftermath of the battle and showed the devastation. Izuku had made sure to leak information to the Media that was under his control and even to media that wasn't under his control of the fact that the government of Japan didn't order the civilians to retreat until an hour in of the battle. Izuku laughed at the government's reactions as they tried to put all of the blame on the Verdant group but it didn't really work well as Verdant was quick to get information out there about what happened in the battle as well as as the fact that TV crews were on site the entire time which didn't help the government in trying to control the narrative.

Though we can switch to others' viewpoints such as the viewpoint of those at UA as all of the students were sitting in the auditorium. Principal Nezu had an announcement to make in regards to the war. "I wish we were here under better reasons but the government has announced that they will start pulling people with Provisional licenses into the war. This means that you have a high risk of going on the front lines and being involved in the conflicts that are going on right now." Nezu announced and everyone was stunned. They knew that there was the risk of this going on but to think the government was actually doing it was shocking and scary. All Might who was sitting on the stage gripped his hands because he didn't like the fact that the students would be involved in the war. 

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