Chapter 38: The Future Within Reach!

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3rd POV:

As they all sat there waiting, Inko and the Bakugos arrived back. "Sweety, what are you wanting us to watch?" Inko asked because she had no idea what SFP was which made Izuku chuckled since he had purposely excluded her from the science department meetings or whenever the topics came up. It wasn't that he didn't trust her but it was a surprise he wanted to show her as she told him once as a child she always dreamed of going to space but believed it would never be a reality. Unknown to her it was a part of the desire for Izuku to complete this project since he wanted to grant his mother one of her most crazy dreams. "It is something you always told me about when I was younger and would talk about your dreams. It became a portion of the drive when I decided to focus on some of the Verdant resources to complete it. We will see if we are in reach of your dream in a few moments." Izuku said which just confused everyone and even Inko since she told her son quite a few things during his childhood and was wondering which he was talking about since a lot of them were quite crazy and grand.

After a few more minutes the screens in the room all changed to a feed of a facility. In the feed stood the scientist that was in the meeting hall earlier as the scientist turned to the camera and greeted them. "My Emperor, can you hear and see me clearly?" the man asked and Izuku confirmed. The man then turned away and viewed into a glass that they couldn't see into. The man then brought a record to his mouth and spoke, "This is Test 1 of stage 1 of the SFP. In attendance is all scientist that belongs to the SFP project as well as via remote location the Verdant Emperor, Verdant Guards, The Emperor's mother, as well as students, staff, and others associated with UA. The time is XX: XX on XXXX Day. Permission for the start of SFP S1 T1 requested my Emperor?" the man said and Izuku confirmed which the man repeated in the device.

Everyone was still confused until the feed changed perspectives and now they were slightly behind scientists that were in the room as they all could see into the other room. "I JUST WANT TO BE CLEAR NO ACTUAL HUMANS ARE ON SITE!?" Izuku quickly asked and the scientist leaned into the view and confirmed they were all clones as the real ones were at the main base watching via the same feed. "Good, commence the test," Izuku ordered as he was now on the edge of his seat in the literal sense and everyone noticed. Nezu was wondering what experiment the Verdant was conducting to get such a reaction out of the Verdant Emperor.

Soon, the entire room was in commotion at the test site as they were screaming things out to others. "STABILIZE IT! WE ALMOST HAVE IT SO FUCKING STABILIZE THE THING OR IT ALL GOES TO HELL!" one person could be heard yelling. After a bit more the room was blinded with a large bright light from the machine that was in the experiment room and soon they could all see clearly again as in the room stood a machine that had some weird texture in the center moving around.

 After a bit more the room was blinded with a large bright light from the machine that was in the experiment room and soon they could all see clearly again as in the room stood a machine that had some weird texture in the center moving around

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"My Emperor! We have stabilized it and are producing to sent an advance unit of Verdant troops that are all clones. I'm switching the video feed to their cameras as we watch it happen." said the scientist which Izuku confirmed. All of the Verdant Guards were now standing near Izuku as well as they were all standing up and watching. Nezu opened his mouth and took a guess of what just happened. "May I take a guess and say you just achieved teleportation technology?" Nezu asked and the entire room but Izuku and his Verdant Guards were in shock as they looked at Izuku. The Verdant members didn't look shocked instead they looked confused since it was an open fact in the organization they had teleportation technology. They wondered if their emperor was just showing it off to hide the fact that they have had it for a while now but got surprised when Izuku denied the statement.

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