Chapter 39: Japan's Fall!

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3rd POV:

An entire two months had passed and many things have happened since that meeting with the people associated with UA. One of the main things that happened was that the Space Frontier Program (SFP) had made leaps and bounds through the dedication of the science department. Izuku had even let Nezu join in the request but Nezu did have to undergo the quirk that would keep the secrets he learned from Verdant hidden. It was the same quirk that the scientists also volunteered to undergo that bounded them to not reveal the research for the quirk erasing bullets to anyone except Izuku. This was done via a quirk user in their group whose quirk was permanent and could only be undone via another pact with the same parties. 

As such, with Nezu's large mind they were able to speed the progress up to a far faster pace which allowed them to finish the initial portions of the moon base. It wasn't fully completed but they were getting close to finishing the entire outer portions and the groundwork inside of the base. Overall, it was built inside of the moon for a portion with another portion outside. Due to still researching into new technology to fuel the space frontier floating space settlements, they were still relying on solar energy which was far easier to get in space due to the constant clearness of the sun for most of the time.

There is some time when the base isn't directly in the sunlight due to the rotation of the moon and earth but the base was currently saving enough energy and there were plans to build another set of solar panels on the other side for those periods...

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There is some time when the base isn't directly in the sunlight due to the rotation of the moon and earth but the base was currently saving enough energy and there were plans to build another set of solar panels on the other side for those periods of time with a connected system. The base is also hidden from people on earth discovering it due to a quirk being used to make it appear nothing had changed as clones were constantly working on the base. Izuku didn't want the world knowing about the moon base until it was completely done and had defenses set up to protect it from missiles that could be sent from the earth.

The internals of the base was liveable as they did have a system that creates oxygen from CO2 that humans put off or the machines they use. There is also a large amount of plant life placed into the building to help convert CO2 naturally to oxygen as Izuku plans to expand the base into a larger one and wishes it to feel more natural. In regard to long-term living conditions, the base will be suitable for actual humans instead of clones to live on it within a few months once the rest of the base is completed. As it stands, the base is mainly aimed for science and military purposes as it will be the stepping stone to further space travel to like Mars where they will be able to get material to build other things instead of taking it from earth or other countries on earth who could try to threaten Izuku into allowing them access to the technology or into space.

Outside of the advancements with their space frontier program, there was another major event that had happened during the two months that is being settled currently. This event was the fall of Japan to the complete rulership of Izuku aka the Verdant Emperor. After having the prefectures of Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita, and Iwate surrender due to All Might, it had set off a chain reaction within the other prefectures. This lead to the collapse of the defense line due to the prefectures of Toyama, Yamanashi, and Nagano surrendering. The local leadership ordered the government troops out of their land and threatened to deploy the police to help the Verdant Emperor remove the government forces which force the government to quickly pull their forces back to try and hold some form of defense.

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