Chapter 18: Shock & The Sealment of Fate

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The world was in shock. They were watching the heroes raid the League of Villains bases and the fight had turned deadly on a massive level. The number two and the number fourth hero who were both at the raid on the warehouse had been manhandled more or less by the powerful villain and everyone was scared. They were downright scared that several top heroes just got taken out by one single villain and that villain had zero damage done to him by the heroes. The students of UA as well were shocked as they were all in the common room area watching the news chopper broadcasting the battles. Everyone was just watching, just waiting, and just praying something would turn this battle around but the heroes were being just decimated. Then hope appeared as All Might came flying in and attacked the villain. Everyone in the dorms broke out in cheers at that moment and were yelling for him to win and defeat the villain however all hope is not meant to last forever. As the fight went on they all watched as the villain withstood blow after blow of All Might's.

Even after All Might had destroyed the mask that the villain was wearing and exposing the scarred face, All Might was pushed back once again as the villain had powered up a large attack and All Might was forced to block it due to the fact that civilians were in the path behind him. He either dodged and allowed them all to die or he stayed and took it on. The hero being the hero he was had decided to take the blast on and it was at that moment that the room became dead silent. Everyone was frozen in place and even Eraserhead was frozen in place. He knew... he knew about the form but for it to be revealed in front of the world was worlds shattering for everyone. As a woman had called out for him to get back up, All Might was still in shock though from learning something from the villain though they didn't know what it was. However, what happened next shocked them even more as a bang sound was heard from multiple spots on the TV. They all watched as the villain had blocked something but the way his body had jerked they assumed he got hit by whatever it was. 

Then... they all heard a clapping sound. They watched as the TV camera moved across the field and showed people from Verdant. The students all broke out into chatter about the Verdant group being there but then they heard their teacher mutter something. "That's not good.... not good at all! Fuck!" He stated not hiding his words. They all wondered why he said that. "You will see... Verdant... is far more dangerous than All For One likely and our world is about to change!" Aizawa stated and they all were scared as they turned back to the TV and kept watching. They watched the news as they heard the reporter cheer at the fact that Verdant was there. The reporters spoke, "It's... it's Verdant! It's the group that has been known to appear during some of the recent crises and help people out! IT'S THE VERDANT!" stated the reporter. "It seems Verdant is here to save the day!" the reporter stated. Soon this caused everyone in the room to tense as they heard the people on site cheer the Verdant name and the heroes were tense at this on screen. The students of 1-A had a bad feeling as they heard the words of the leader of Verdant.

"Having trouble All For One? Of course, that is a silly question since that drug was made to counter you and cause you problems with your multiple quirks. I bet your body feels in horrible pain right now. Bring him to me." stated the leader behind his mask as a chair was pulled out of from another member's quirk. The leader just sat down and everyone was shocked at his calmness. Soon members of Verdant just dragged All For One before the leader and everyone in the common room was shocked. This was the man that just went blow for blow and overpowered All Might yet he was helpless before the Verdant and the news reported it as such! They were starting to realize what their teacher meant by them being more dangerous and they didn't like the feeling they had in their stomachs. 

"To think the heroes have fallen so low... the Symbol of Peace couldn't defeat you and so much damage was caused between the two battles you both had. It's quite pathetic after all... it only took one bullet from us to bring you to an end All For One and yet the all-mighty Symbol of Peace couldn't do it and had to cause so much destruction in his fight with you..." stated the leader that was sitting in the chair. "That's... that's not fair to All Might... most of the damage was done by the villain!" Stated one of the students and Aizawa just spoke up. "Doesn't matter... it's the hero's job to limit it. The Verdant leader just planted a large seed of doubt in people's minds about the ability of heroes. That's the Verdant's goal... they plan to destroy hero society and we don't know much about them yet you can see what they can do..." Aizawa stated and everyone just kept watching in silence. They all had many thoughts in their minds and were scared about the future while some were pissed at what the Verdant group was doing. "Congratulations class, you just met Japan's first major Anti-Hero organization and they are powerful," Aizawa stated but no one felt happy about that fact at all. As they were watching more they were in store for another shock due to what just happened as more members of Verdant appeared.

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