Chapter 3: Results & Giran

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3rd POV:

It was a few days since Izuku transferred the information to the info broker. Izuku was sitting in his hotel room doing some hacking and gathering information that he thought he would need. This information was over local gangs and who was fighting who. Izuku had planned to gain control of everything and everyone to build up his army. However, he also needed absolute loyal men and women to serve as his top individuals and he thinks he found one such individual. This person was a vigilante currently who was operating under the name of Dabi. This person was a fire user but something was off about the man so Izuku was trying to dig into the person named Dabi and find out who he was before becoming the man known as Dabi. As Izuku was working his phone went off and he saw it was the info broker. 'One day before my estimate of when he would call me.' Izuku thought. He answered the phone and was met with an excited tone. 

"Congulruations kid, the information you provided was accurate and allowed two gangs that hated each other to work together and wipe out the two annoying heroes. It's even set a temporary peace between the two sides since they are curious about you. Anyway, my boss Giran would like to meet you and establish permanent business between you and him. Can you meet XXXX at 2:00 PM?" Asked the low-rank info broker. Izuku informed him that he could do it and that he would be there. Soon they talked about a few more details before the call was ended and Izuku started to pack his things before getting ready. He was likely not going to return to his hotel after tonight regardless since the first payment for the two heroes should be high enough to rent a home or apartment for a while. Killing heroes isn't an easy thing to do and Izuku's plans made it easy. 

Soon Izuku finished packing everything and he arrived at the location where they were meant to meet. Izuku looked around and then noticed the old broker he met with walking with someone else. Izuku got to work analyzing the man. From what he gathered before since he knew the name Giran already is that his quirk allows a memory fogging type ability so people always forget where they met him, what they talked about, and other things. It's usually used on people who won't be doing business on a long-term basis. The info brokers sat down and the meeting started. Giran looked Izuku over then smirked. "So my employee here has told me quite a lot about you. Also, aren't you the missing kid from the news?" Giran asked. Izuku nodded his head as well and started to talk. "Indeed I am Kagero Okuta aka Giran. However, that doesn't really matter. What matters is what I plan for in the future and how we can both profit from working together. No?" Izuku stated and Giran's eyes widened for a split second. He goes to great work to keep his real name hidden most of the time and there are only a few places to find it that he couldn't get rid of but most people never find it to begin with. "Indeed kid... indeed. Now, what are you planning?" Giran asked. Izuku smirked at that. "I have many plans but one such plan.... I plan to change the very fabric of our society and likely the entire world. It will take a lot of work and I will need people to be loyal to me but those will work out as my plan goes along. As it stands right now I need money to start up a lab, a living place, food, clothing, and the general things. I am offering what I did for those two heroes on other villains and other heroes. As long as I have some video of people fighting I can easily produce what information is needed to take them down most of the time." Izuku stated while revealing some details of his overall plan but not everything. Izuku was too smart for that and Giran just smirked even more. He was interested in the kid before him.

As they were talking a new broadcast came on the TV that showed the results of Izuku's plans. It showed that the two heroes that got killed by the gangs were slaughtered in a brutal manner. 'The gangs really overdid it but oh well since that works in my favor.' Izuku thought. The reason for that is beforehand it would look a bit too 'clean' for two gangs to pull off but a more brutal killing would seem like they put a lot of work and resources into doing it instead of figuring out how the heroes operate and then killing them. Though the irony was that people did get scared of two heroes dying but the way the media talked about it made it get downplayed since they talked about how the killings took a sheer amount of effort to be accomplished which made people calm down. That is because if it took two whole gangs to take down two individual heroes then the heroes must be overall more powerful due to the number difference that the gangs had to employ. Right? Yea... wrong! 

Anyway, back to the negotiations! Grian and Izuku were working on some agreements and soon they had an overall business deal setup. Giran would locate and furnish everything Izuku needed for his lab, new home, and everything else and Izuku would provide a certain amount of analysis at Giran's request that could be called in whenever he wanted. Otherwise, Giran would put Izuku's services out and individual villains and criminals could request the service since they would deem it trustworthy since it was Giran offering it out for a client. Giran also provided the other money that Izuku was owed and it was going to be enough for him to survive for about 3 months which was fine for Izuku since he had plans to make the money grow. 

Giran added his contact information to Izuku's phone and soon they separated. Giran would get to work on Izuku's requests while Izuku would work on the first handful of notes that Giran wanted to be completed. They were all relevantly middle-ranked heroes throughout all of Japan. Giran said that these heroes were being annoying for some of his top clients so he could use this information to help them out while setting up potential clients for Izuku in the future if they liked what they got. Izuku soon left and headed to a new hotel since he didn't want to get complacent in one location. He then got to work on the information that Giran wanted while he opened a bank account as well through a more shady bank that would not ask too many questions. Once the money was in his account Izuku got to work and he divided the money into different things. Some money went into an emergency fund that he set up under a whole new name at a different bank and then some money went into an investment account where Izuku invested the money into some stocks. Now you might be wondering why would he invest the money since it would take time for it to grow? Well! Izuku is smart enough to hack said companies and well... leak sensitive and compromising information on their CEOs or things they did. This would cause the price of the said stock to drop which would result in Izuku earning money due to him shorting the stock. It's called short selling and is done by an investor borrows a stock, sells the stock, and then buys the stock back to return it to the lender. Short sellers are betting that the stock they sell will drop in price.

Izuku was careful though to not invest a larger amount of money into one single company though. Too much and it might cause regulators to look into the sudden purchase that happens before a market drop in the stock. As such, the amount was large but not too large. It would earn him some money over time until he could build up enough to just leave in normal investments to grow for his plans. As such,  Izuku knew this short selling tactic could be only useful for around a year or so before he needed to stop, or else it would cause too much attention for so many companies to keep getting hit like that. Though that didn't stop him from still doing it in foreign markets though and only stopping in the Japanese market since he was more worried about domestic heroes getting on his trail. 

That is how Izuku spent about 2 weeks of his time. He was working on the information for Giran while gathering more money with the money he already had and he soon grew the 3 months' worth of funds into about 1 year worth of funds for him solely to live on. Now if he were to take on more people then it would without a doubt require more money but right now it was only him. He was also digging into that Dabi individual as well and had found some interesting things. One being he was a Todoroki! Toya Todorki to be precise. Izuku wasn't 100% solid on proof but he had enough things that lined up to match between them.

Once Izuku had found out that it was likely Toya Todoroki under all that scaring, Izuku dug into the Todoroki family very carefully not to alert Endeavor and soon he found quite a lot of disgusting things. One being the mother is in a mental hospital, two, she was likely purchased via an illegal quirk marriage, and three, Endeavor was abusive! 'Just another fraud at the top like All might...' Izuku thought. Izuku decided to have Giran look for this so-called Dabi since Izuku was interested in pulling him to his side. A person hurt by a top hero would make a powerful ally and when it came time to tear the hero world down... Dabi's story if Izuku was right would be devastating! 

However, it was now time for Izuku to focus on other matters! One such matter was getting his body physically fit and start his training in other matters like swords or guns. Izuku knew he would need someone to train him in those fields but the physical portion he would be able to do himself. He would need to focus on speed over strength but he still needed to be able to pack a punch. As such, he did some research and found a beach that wasn't too far away that was covered in the trash due to illegal dumping. Izuku decided he would do workouts there and use it to get physical fitness while also scavenging parts to use for his inventions that he was planning to build. Why use a quirk when you can just build something better than most quirks? As such, Izuku got to work after the second week of doing research and investing. He still did all of this but the physical conditioning took priority since if he ever needed to do something himself he needed to be able to ensure it got carried out. 

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