Chapter 23: Save Eri!

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3rd POV:

The day of the raid had arrived and Izuku already had clones of Toga sneak into the compound to locate Eri beforehand. They had abducted several members of Overhaul's men, as such they would be able to blend in without raising suspicions. The idea was that Toga's clones would attempt to locate Eri before the raid even started but they weren't having much lunch in finding her in the areas that they were allowed to be in as lower-ranked members. As such, it did limit the area that Eri could be hidden into a certain section of the base. Now you might be thinking that the Verdant group had a map and everything, well they did. However, it turns out the base can change shapes due to one of the member's quirks which had made the raid a bit more complex! 

As such, they had to send the bugs back into the new pathways and map the base out the day of the raid which compacted matters since Izuku didn't want the heroes knowing of their spying method. As such, he informed them that their spies inside informed them the interior had changed due to one of the higher-up's quirks but that they had limited the area that Eri could be into a certain portion of the base. As such, the detective found zero lies in Izuku's words and he still hid the truth of how they spy on people in reality since everyone is thinking that they were using clones of their Morpher quirk user to spy on people which was true in some way but not their main source of information.

Izuku and his teams arrived on site for the raid and the heroes were kind of shock that he himself was present for the raid. It took some talking to his guards to allow it but they agreed if he kept them at his sides at all times. If he broke away from them even for a minute then he wasn't going to be allowed to go out on future missions easily which made Izuku pout a bit but he had to accept their demands. It was quite funny to most of their men how Izuku was teased by all of his Verdant Guards when he pouted and it just reminded everyone what they were fighting for and more importantly who they were fighting for as they all wanted to push Izuku to the highest point so he could lead their nation to a better future even though they all came from horrible backgrounds and committed many crimes. They all wanted a better future and they were going to get it through making the Verdant Emperor the leader of all of Japan. 

Izuku looked around at all of the heroes and caught Sir Nighteyes glare. 'That man really doesn't like me at all...' Izuku thought and it was understandable since Izuku more or less destroyed the peace that All Might had created. Izuku had destroyed the illusion of hope and peace that All Might had fabricated in front of everyone when in truth the society of Japan was falling. Izuku then moved to the detective who was on sight and asked him if the hero side was ready which Izuku gained a confirmation. After talking a bit more of any last-minute changes, they all gathered up and moved forward towards the raid and in 5 minutes they arrived on site of the compound and the raid started when a follower of Overhaul burst out of the gates throwing some police in the air but some Adanvced team members grabbed them before they could get hurt. "VERDANT MOVE IN!" Izuku shouted and all of his forces charged in with the heroes. Izuku though didn't tell the heroes that he kept several advanced teams of verdant members hidden nearby because let's be honest, Izuku isn't stupid! He knows very likely that the heroes wouldn't pass up a chance of trying to capture once this was all over.

As the people started to make their way into the base, they encountered some resistance to their fighting but Izuku trusted his men. They had several orders given to them which included not being captured by the heroes and not hold back on killing any member of the Shie Hassaikai group. It was about 10 minutes into the raid when Izuku was informed over the comms link with his men that they had found the location of Eri and that she was being currently held by Overhaul and a few of his men. They were currently fighting LeMillion who had separated from his group and went ahead of everyone else which Izuku found annoying. Izuku ordered all of his men to start heading off in that direction of the base.

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