Chapter 2: Finding Shelter & First Steps

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3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya ran away from his home and started to head towards a more sketchy city that was roughly one hour from his old home. He took the train system and just waited for it to arrive as he was running through ideas in his head. There was one thing that Izuku Midoriya knew he would need is that he would need to work out and train hardcore from now on. However, first, he needed a home and a source of food. That is why he was heading towards the more sketchy town. You might think that this would be a horrible move on his part that he is not physically capable of defending himself currently and doesn't have a lot of money but there is one thing he does have and it's his brain. If you would all remember the notebooks, then you would remember that he has a treasure trove of information that he could sell to other people. He could also offer information on other villains so that rival gangs could take out their competitions. 

As such, this city he was heading to otherwise known as Kamino Ward which is a large town in Yokohama. It is home to many people but it is also home to a lot of villains in the dark shadows of the city since there are a lot of abandoned places around this city. Soon Izuku arrived in the city and got to work. He moved around and he did some deep searching and hacking far in the past and had found a location where info brokers would meet up sometimes to deal with random customers off the streets that needed things. As such, Izuku was currently moving towards the old location that he knew of and hoped that it was still an active meetup point. After about 30 minutes of moving through the city, he arrived in the place and came upon the place. He had to go into the back area and into a more rundown section where he went up a few flights of steps before he carried to what was a small alleyway that had a long maze that led to the street but it was easier to go the way Izuku came.

 He had to go into the back area and into a more rundown section where he went up a few flights of steps before he carried to what was a small alleyway that had a long maze that led to the street but it was easier to go the way Izuku came

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Izuku entered the restaurant and choose a seat in the far back so he had a vantage point of seeing everyone that entered and left. A waiter came up and Izuku asked if they had any information on any specials. That was the code phrase that Izuku had learned from his research and the expression on the waiter turned to something else quickly before going neutral. "Yes, the number 8 on our menu is good. Would you like it?" the waiter asked and Izuku nodded his head. Soon the food was brought and the waiter had brought someone that was asking to sit and join him since he looked alone. Izuku nodded his head and agreed. The other person was given food as well so they look like they were one party.

"That was an old phrase you used... also you don't look like a regular. So tell me why I should waste any time since it's risky of me to talk to you?" asked the man across from Izuku. Izuku paused his eating and looked at the man. Nothing was great about the main nor did he have any noticeable marks to identify him from most people. 'Likely his quirk... his face appears to blurry and I remember seeing him in another booth with that clothing but not the same face.' Izuku thought and decided to use that as a way in with talking to the man. "Neat quirk you have. It changes the appearance or the facial recognition of those around you so people have a hard time remembering your true face and it makes it near impossible for you to get caught." Izuku stated. The man's eyes widened a bit and then Izuku knew he was right and then started talking more. "It does have some weaknesses though. The problem you have is I did see what I assume is your real face before your quirk activated. You were sitting in another booth and if someone is really watching and paying attention to details they would remember you are wearing the same clothing from another person that is no longer in the restaurant but the door never opened and closed between then and now. As such, I'm assuming you are the same person meaning that is either your true face from earlier or it isn't. As such, ways to overcome this would be to wear a medical mask before you meet up with the person, you're going to talk to and go into the restroom to change clothing before coming back out. Even just a change in the overcoat would have thrown me off more than you changing nothing." Izuku stated and then started to eat a bit more. The man was dead silent and was not moving. Izuku peaked up at his eyes and the man had fear in his eyes. 

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