Chapter 5: Verdant Guards & Training

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3rd POV:

Izuku and his two new companions soon arrived at the base. The two of them thought it was just a normal house and they kind of expected more from what Izuku could see on their facial expressions and then they got more when Izuku showed them the underground section. "This is more like it! I thought you had a lame base!" Toga said while giggling. Izuku rolled his eyes as he showed them around and then showed them the escape path towards a warehouse that the hatch in the lab led to. "This has only been used once to get the equipment in. Otherwise, it's not to be used unless the base is compromised since we don't need both of our exits being cut off." Izuku stated and they nodded their heads. Izuku took blood from both Toga and Dabi and there were confused about why they were doing this. "It's so I can build better things for each of you. The blood from toga is more to help me find her quirk out more so I can get the synthesized blood to work better for her quirk needs and then Dabi's blood is to help me build support to work with his body condition and his quirk. I'm hoping to heal some of his scars a bit as well If I can create something for him to heal parts of his body so he isn't at constant risk of infections or serious illness due to the old scars." Izuku stated. They nodded their heads at that and just waited for Izuku to finish. Soon he was done and gave Toga a bag of blood to Toga that was one of his on hand that he kept for medical needs. "Don't go raiding my blood bags. They are mine in the event I ever need them for medical experiments. Do remember I am quirkless so I have to rely on many other things and not a quirk." Izuku stated and both Toga and Dabi's eyes widen. "DAMN I THOUGHT YOU HAD A IQ QUIRK!" Dabi stated and Izuku just laughed. "Nope, my IQ is higher than Principal Nezu's of UA. I'm just hiding my movements so he doesn't find them since we don't have enough preparation to waste in dealing with him currently but I think we will have enough ready by the start of UA's next school year. That is also when I plan to start a lot more activities and solidifying power in the underworld. We just got to be careful of the current underworld King All For One." Izuku stated. They were both confused on who All For One was. 

"I have no intention of hiding much from either of you so ready for a history lesson?" Izuku asked and they nodded their heads. Izuku then explained everything about the old king that currently rules the underworld. Izuku also had no intentions of hiding All Might's secrets either since All Might would become one of Izuku's targets in the future. Though... would Izuku kill All Might would be the question. Regardless of Izuku's current anger for All Might, Izuku didn't know if he could kill him. Destroy his legacy? Yes. Kill him? Not likely. He would just take All Might off the chessboard and aim to take his successor off the board as well. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to kill the successor but depending on who they are he might just have to. 

Soon a week had passed and Izuku started to train under Toga with knives. Dabi also helped Izuku learn some combat as well. As such, they spent a lot of time training in the compound or at the garbage beach as Izuku cleaned it. Izuku had also finished the fake blood about halfway into the month and Toga had started to drink them. At first, she hated them since they tasted bitter unlike real blood but Izuku adjusted them by adding some flavoring into them like peach flavoring which resulted in Toga loving them since the flavoring overpowered the bitterness. As such, Izuku created about half a years worth of fake blood for Toga which helped her regain a lot more sanity which made her far deadlier as a Verdant Guard. Her quirk drove her to make people bleed so she could get blood out of them but now, she was focused more on the lethal blows or blows that would render people unable to fight. As such, she was far more effective and they were amazed. Toga herself was amazed at her sudden increase in abilities but didn't complain. If anything, it made her loyalty to Izuku even deeper. Both of them had also learned Izuku's real name and his past. They were not happy one bit and Dabi soon turned into an older brother figure to Izuku. 

Izuku's situation reminded him of his life under the hands of his father. Izuku was always beaten and neglected for something he couldn't control and no one did anything. Dabi didn't hold hatred for Inko Midoriya since Izuku said he hid most of it from her and she did try as best as she could since no one would help her due to him being quirkless. "I left her a note... it had a double meaning. It was either read as a suicide note or a note telling my fall from grace into what I'm now doing. Most as shown by the news took it as a suicide note due to me being quirkless but I'm betting my mother knew the hidden meaning. She wasn't an idiot. I just hope she moves on from me so she isn't guilt ridden with everything I will do in this world since taking control of Japan will not be bloodless nor will innocents go uninjured... innocent people are always hurt in government overthrowing.... nothing can stop that." Izuku stated. Dabi and Toga just hugged him and said it would be okay. That they would follow him to the ends of the earth. 

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