Chapter 16: Summer Camp

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3rd POV:

A few more weeks passed and the students of UA were now ending their first day at the summer camp. Izuku had the bug user spread some bugs out at the camp to keep an eye on everything that happened there. However, Izuku himself was super busy for the entire first day and also the second day as well. Now you might be wondering why? Well, simply they had finished the teleportation technology! They were able to get it to stabilize and work for long periods before they had to turn it off for the system to cool off and recharge. As such, the teleportation user wasn't being heavily relied upon but he still was important. The teleportation gates themselves were fixed points unlike the user himself which could open the gate to another random point but it took him a bit to open it without having a point on the other side already pre-made like they normally did. As such, he became more of a long term battle teleporter where they knew they needed a portal at a certain time in a certain location while the gates themselves were put up between the bases around the country. Izuku also ordered for a gate to be set up in different nations around the globe. These gates were hidden in a completely hidden location that was known only to the Verdant Guards and Izuku. They would likely be staging points into other countries in the future or a way for them to retreat in the future if they somehow lost in Japan and had to flee the country. 

As such, transportation between the bases became far easier, and more bases were planned for the future. They also had a self-destruction feature built into them that the Vanguard Guards and Izuku could trigger if a base was compromised so that the technology wasn't stolen from them. The bombs would wipe everything out in the room where the gate was at. Not even metal would survive easily as the bombs were set to cause a large amount of heat and damage. So while they were waiting for the League to make their move and had all of their organization on standby, Izuku was finishing the last teleportation gates. Izuku was so happy to have these gates finished 'To think, it wasn't working because I carried a dam 1 in the math which screwed everything up!' Izuku thought as he smacked his head again remembering that stupid error. Even a genius like him can make mistakes on complex technological advancements that no one else in human history has ever made! As Izuku finished setting the last device online and finished connecting all the bases up, a member of his organization came in telling him the League started their movements and the Guards requested him in the meeting room. Izuku nodded his head and got to moving.

Izuku arrived in the office to see Shigaraki on the wall projection telling his members to capture some of the UA students so they could turn them. The targets were Hitoshi Shinso and Fukikage Tokoyami. The reasons they got chosen is likely due to their past where they got bullied a lot due to their quirks. Shinso for his 'villainous' quirk and Tokoyami due to his dark nature quirk which he also got bullied a bit due to how it appeared to be sourced in evil but he didn't get it as bad as Shinso since his school stopped a lot of it unlike Izuku's or Shinso's. As such, the two students would be prime to target and try to recruit but Izuku doubted they would. Izuku decided to have a clone of Toga on standby near UA to go report it to Nezu that their camp was under attack. Izuku had said he wouldn't help the heroes but he would still report it since even if they did, it would be too late for them to stop it since it was in motion now. The moment Kurigiori opened a portal for their side, Izuku had Toga's clone go alert Nezu. Izuku also sent a few clones of Dabi and Mr. Compress to the camp. The reason you might wonder is due to the little kid at the camp who tended to go up to the mountainside which was too damn close to where the villains were seen scouting the day before! 

So, Izuku had the clones waiting for the boy in the event someone from the villain group went after him for the sport since there was a villain known as Muscular in their group that is actually the same person that killed the kid's parents. Izuku had ordered the clones that if Muscalar was spotted, they were allowed to kill him freely if they had the chance to do it since people like Muscular that enjoys killing for no reason but just to do it disgust Izuku. As such, that is how everything started. Toga's clone had arrived at UA at the same time as the League's members had arrived in the forest. Toga pressed the button on the gate and Nezu had let her in. She went the same route as last time and came to the meeting room where she found all of the heroes minus Eraserhead and Vlad King who were in the forest. 'They should really have sent people but... they did change the location several times before settling on the current location.' Toga thought. "My leader wanted me to pass the information we gained. The League had gathered their forces and we discovered they are attacking your camp as we speak. Your students are in danger." Toga stated as he broke apart and the heroes were stunned before Nezu tried calling Aizawa. The moment he did, Aizawa answered and was shouting. "NEZU WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! THE LEAGUE JUST SHOWED UP A FEW MINUTES AGO. SEND ---" Eraserhead said as the line went dead as communications got jammed. Everyone was in shock but they all soon broke out of it and started to make phone calls. All Might knew he couldn't do anything. He hated himself for using his timelimit up! Instead, he called his detective friend and alerted him of the news they received and that they confirmed it. Soon heroes and police were in a mad dash to get to the camp and anyone locally around the camp would arrive in 10 minutes but that would be too late.

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