Chapter 10: Sports Festival & Verdant Movements

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3rd POV:

Izuku was sitting in his lab studying the arm of the Nomu and doing other research like the temporary quirk erasing bullets, a knock came on the door to his lab section and he saved where he was at and turned around to see who it was. It was Twice who was recently put in charge of overseeing the construction work for the main base and the backup bases. Now, Twice has been improving quite a lot in his mental health at Izuku's guidance. They haven't gotten to the point of Twice making clones of himself yet but they stop his more split personality responses. They only happened every once in a while and he was more assertive in his leading now which he has done amazing in it. As such, Twice was assigned oversight of the main base projects to ensure they got done at a faster speed with the clones.  "Hello Twice. Is something the matter?" Izuku asked and Twice put some documents down in front of him. "The first main base is done. We finished ahead of schedule since I made quite a few clones of the workers. I already have a second backup base being worked on already and they have already broke ground. We anticipate it to be finished in 3 weeks' time. We already have resources being stockpiled into the new main and it will be ready to be moved into at the end of this week if nothing sets the schedule back." Twice stated and Izuku was thrilled! This was going amazing, especially with the fact that they had acquired a new member with a minor teleportation quirk. It allowed him to set up teleportation points like a warp gate and it required him time to activate it. It wasn't good for quick teleportation but still, it was good for transporting once the gate was open.

Izuku had planned to use their current main base as a meeting ground for anyone else so that the main base wasn't found. He also revised the access to the base and that people needed to go through the teleportation gate to arrive at the base so that no one could be tracked to the main base. They would continue to do this until they lost the teleport user or as Izuku was currently researching, replicating his quirk which has seen some progress but was hitting some roadblocks. He's been getting a lot of data of it working but he ended just more and more data to ensure he was understanding it right. Even if he replicated it, he would still use it only as a backup between the main bases since he didn't want the technology to fall into the hands of others. A schedule was being set up to show when the warp user would be opening the gate. All resources would be transported to the current base and then teleported over to the new main base even in the future so they couldn't be tracked.

Outside of that, Twice also said that the Guards wanted a meeting since they had gathered some important information from each department that he needed to review for the plans. Izuku nodded his head and moved towards the meeting room and found his guards there talking. They all stood up and bowed to him once he entered the room. "Sit down, Twice said you all have important information?" Izuku asked and they nodded. They started with Toga who said they had some information on the mole in UA. "We can confirm that there is indeed a mole inside of UA. We've narrowed it down and we believe this individual is the mole. We just need confirmation of it and evidence and we can remove them from the playing field." Toga stated. Izuku looked over the file and asked what their motives were for being the mole for the League. "As it stands, it appears that they are doing it for pathetic reasons. The kid is selfish and wants to be the center of attention which I must admit he is now the center of our attention and will be of others when we leak him as the mole if we can confirm it." Toga stated. Toga said that she had the bug user spying on the kid and will let the others know when they have proof. Izuku nodded his head and they moved to the next person which was Mr. Compress.

Mr. Compress was in charge of the overall crime activities. He talked about a new variant of a trigger being on the streets. However, he said they were being pushed by the Yakuza which was a dying breed of old crime families. Mr. Compress said that something didn't sit right with the people pushing the drugs and that they should start monitoring the situation since something didn't feel right. Izuku nodded his head and approved of the plan to monitor the sale of the new trigger and he wanted some to be acquired for him to research into how it's being made so he can understand how it compares to the old ones in the past since some of the gangs they acquired had some old in storage that Izuku was researching and figuring a way to counter them since he hated trigger.

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