Chapter 25: Military Line Assualt!

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3rd POV:

It's been about four weeks since Izuku's little trip out to the park and everyone from all sides is wondering why the Verdant group hasn't done anything in the entire two weeks as there have been no movements on their side at all. People were wondering if they hit the limit on how much land they could gain and control which had started to give the government a boost as they reinforced the defense lines on both sides but what no one knew was that Izuku Midoriya aka the Verdant Emperor was about to initiate his plans for one of his larger-scale battles that were about to happen. Now you might wonder where this battle will take place but he's made it clear to his side on what they were doing.

Izuku planned to wipe out the military defense line that was set up in Tottori and Okayama as they had now gained and stabilized their control of the underworld in all of the orange areas on their map of Japan. As such, it was time to make their move and the moment they did would be large as Izuku was planning to reveal more of his member count which would draw more attention to them but also be a display of their power since some criminal organizations in other areas of japan like in Tokyo were thinking they were at their limit in how far they could go. As such, this would a demonstration of power over them as well which would force them to submit or be wiped out.

As such, early in the morning before the sun had even risen the Verdant organization was completely awake and on the move. It was the start of week five of when Izuku had been last seen in public and now he was about to make a large statement as he looked over all of his men in the hanger. "Good morning my men! Today we will be launching an assault on the military line that is currently being held on the borders of the Tottori and Okayama prefectures. The government has supplied their military with all of their equipment which is highly destructive and will result in high death counts on our side if we fail to break their line. This isn't like fighting the heroes where we get up close and personal and then break their line. No, this is going to require strategy as we are fighting men of war who have trained to deal with hostile forces and kill no matter what. If we are able to break their line we will push our control completely down towards Yamaguchi before stopping unless our lines can't hold." Izuku said as everyone started to cheer since they have been itching to get out and fight. Izuku waited for them to calm down and then explained that they would be sending cloned versions of them as the first few waves before the third wave would include real individuals. 

The first two waves would be used to gain ground in the deadman zone that had been created between both sides and attempt to reduce the militaries numbers as best as they could. Izuku knew the military was gearing up for an assault on the Verdant-controlled land as well since they had been spying on the Japanese military. It's also why they are attacking now since they can't allow the military to bring the fight into Verdant-controlled land. As such, they needed to take the fight to them before they expect one. The verdant would also be showing off their military-grade weapons as well with their aircraft and tanks that they had acquired through contacts that Izuku had made in other countries that weren't as stable as more modern countries in this day and age. 

Soon they all split into their divisions that they were assigned to and Izuku was ready with his guards. They also had sent a large number of men to the northern front as well in the event that the government attempted to push them on that side while they attacked the south defense line. This way they wouldn't need to worry about their backs as there was a sheer number of clones on that side with many quirked individuals from who they were copied off of. Izuku looked at the clock and nodded his head as it was time to start the battle as such he ordered all of the men to their designated portal spots as the portal quirk user started up each portal which would drop the divisions off in certain locations. Once the portals opened the battle was a green light and they were ordered to kill if needed if they couldn't secure the enemy side. Izuku wanted to limit the deaths but he wasn't going to let his men die just to capture people when it was impossible in some cases as this was military-trained individuals.

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