Chapter 7: Expanding & New Bases

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Izuku Midoriya was happy with the growth of his foundation. As the time passed between the UA exam and the first day of school, Izuku's organization had grown from a few thousand men to 30,000 individuals total. Now you might be wondering how Izuku did this? Well, it was quite simple, he capitalized on all of the gangs that were in his surrounding cities and soon got them all to rally under his banner. After that, he sent the recruitment team to gangs in the surrounding areas to start recruiting people. There were also other villains that would join the organization as well. However, Izuku had rules. There was no random killing of people, there were no crimes against children, no selling of humans, no petty crimes allowed either. The reason that Izuku put this into place was due to the fact that he was aiming to have a reputable organization that wasn't filled with just normal criminals and villains. No! He wanted an organization that the general public would respect compared to the heroes like Endeavor. As such, he limited the number of crimes that people were committing if they were even allowed to commit crimes, to begin with since he required all crimes to be preplanned and approved by the crime department. 

People were concerned about feeding themselves and being forced out of their homes. However, Izuku took care of this since he had Giran purchase a wide range of bases that could fit all of his men throughout the areas that he controlled. As such, Izuku ended up dumping a large amount of money but it wasn't an issue for Izuku since he was now a multi-millionaire with his current net worth sitting at around $600 Millon dollars. Due to all of the cash inflow he had from the gangs and the cash they had he was able to increase the amount of money he had by investments and short-selling foreign companies. He would take a longer time to short-sell some companies now since he was dealing with larger numbers. He would invest a large sum and wait a month or so before leaking some news about the company to cause its stocks to fall to grant him a large profit. The former gang leaders were impressed in his ability to fund the organization with how large it grew and soon Izuku had taken over several big corporations with all of his new wealth which only made the cash inflows increase. As such, Izuku was able to employ a large number of organization members in different companies if they didn't have any real crimes listed in their names so people wouldn't get suspicious of the new hires. Those that did have crimes were employed to the underground work which included illegal support gear, analysis service from Izuku, lab research for the members that were smart enough for it, and generally anything else that was illegal but wasn't directly hurting someone since Izuku wanted to limit those type of crimes.

However, Izuku did a search through the members of his gang and found quite a few interesting quirks. Quite a few quirks that would be perfect construction. As such, Izuku called forth his guards and the lieutenants of his organization and set forth the plans for the new main base. Izuku explained that they would be building it themselves since they had a lot of members with quirks perfect for it and members that also had the experience to build as well. Everyone knew that Izuku was always planning to move to a new base and wondered where it would be located at. Izuku said it was going to be located in the mountain/hills located outside of Musutafu, Japan. Everyone thought Izuku was crazy! This was more or less right in the backyard of UA high school and they asked what he was thinking. "If you are looking for something you would look everywhere but the place you would think last. You would not look in your own backyard when you are trying to find something that you think is everywhere else but in your own land that you consider safe. It would also be a great hit to the hero's reputation if it was ever discovered anyway. A major villain base located that close to the top hero school and not being found would be a stain on them. Now, we're going to build multiple locations that we can fall back to if this main base is ever compromised and have them all stocked beforehand. If the base is ever found we just need to ensure all of the labs are wiped out and the researched transfer and anything that could lead to the other bases destroyed. Also, people need to be careful of coming to the base so we need to create multiple entrances so we don't always entrance the same area." Izuku stated as he laid out the plans and showed a layout of the future base and everyone was interested in what they saw.

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