Chapter 9: Heros & Villains & Anti-Heroes!?

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3rd POV:

Izuku was sitting in his office as he was waiting for the clone of Toga to bring the Nomu arm back. They were also lucky and had a handful of the bugs follow some of the heroes into the school itself by attaching to their outfits without them noticing. "I love your quirk... it's so good for information gathering when we can't apply direct means." Izuku stated and the member thanked the Verdant Emperor for the kind words. All of the events of UA started to calm down a bit. The media was throwing up a storm but for now, the main event was over and the staff made their way back to UA. Izuku had the bug user send a few bugs to follow All Might. Izuku was hoping to find out who the 9th user of One For All was as soon as possible. 'It might have been a good idea to take the quirk back then but then I wouldn't be able to show everyone what a quirkless person could do.' Izuku thought. Toga's clone had arrived back at the base and had taken the arm to the lab for the assistants to start preparing it for Izuku. Izuku had found quite a few people that were quite good and smart enough to work in the labs with him and had been able to take some of the research load off of him so it was quite helpful since it freed his time upon doing everything.

As he was thinking they saw All Might talking to someone in the nurse's office at the school and it turned out to be what appeared to be a third-year. The person looked like a miniature version of All Might. Izuku rolled his eyes at this sight but listened in since the staff meeting wouldn't start for a bit longer as the staff was still dealing with other things and All Might was still getting checked overdue to him pushing his limits earlier in the day. "All Might, what do you mean All For One is alive? You said he was dead." the miniature version of All Might stated in shock. "I mean is that we have several different sources that tell us that he is still alive. We have this nomu creature with multiple quirks, then we have this third-party organization that called the League of Villains out and said that the League is controlled by All For One, and then the leaders of the attack more or less confirmed the accusation at the U.S.J. So, I'm saying he is alive and you need to be careful to not let others know you have One For All since he will come for you since you can't control 100% of the quirk currently." All Might stated. This confirmed who the 9th user of All For One was but they now needed a name for the face but Izuku could get that through public records and the internet since the individual looked like a third-year which meant they would have a provisional license and would be out in the field.

As they were talking more, All Might talked about the third-party group. "It might be good to have some working relationship with this third-party group depending on their views. If they are directly opposing All For One then they should be confident in their skills. So far the only thing we know about them is that their organization seems to be Verdant and we so far know there are three members. One with a fire quirk, one with a marble compressing quirk, and they seem to have a quirk user that can make clones of other people. We're thinking similar to Ectoplasm. Far as we know they are a vigilante group that seems to be highly coordinated." All Might stated. The third-year nodded his head. "Do you think I should ask Sir Nighteye to look into them?" The boy asked and at that moment Izuku knew who this individual was. "Nah, LeMillon. Just focus on what you're already working on and getting control of One For All with your other quirk. I only have around 2 hours left of my time limit as it stands. We need to be prepared for a final battle against All For One. I need to go to the staff meeting so we can keep talking later. Now I'm sure you are meant to be going to your work-study no?" All Might stated and LeMillon looked at the clock before running out and saying his goodbyes. Recovery Girl walked in and shook her head since she was in her little office to the side listening in. 

"You're a bit too distance with the boy you know?" Recovery Girl said and All Might hanged his head down. "You know why... I'm trying to be close to him but he's more Sir Nighteye's protege than mine... the person I wanted... I screwed up and drove Young Midoriya to suicide... the person I would have loved to have as my protege, as the 9th user is gone due to my words. A boy tore down by society and I couldn't take a few more seconds in my words... I could have said words of encouragement in a better manner to push him to do another field like quirk analysis like his mother said he was amazing at. You don't have to be a pro hero to be a hero and his skills would have made so much difference in the world. *Sigh* I'm just trying to push forward the best I can but I always want to turn around and just wish that I could undo that day... to go after him when he walked past me. Something different so he didn't choose the path that he did..." All Might stated and Recovery Girl nodded her head. "Indeed... but you can't and now you must strive to do better. To make better heroes that will aim to fix these issues that lead the boy to his decision. That's all you can really do now." Recovery Girl stated as they left the room to the meeting. Izuku on the other hand was stunned at what All Might stated. The people in the room looked at him in curiosity. "Seems... seems you just earned your ticket to being spared All Might. However, that does nothing to turn me from my goals. This society needs to restart anew since it refuses to change in 200 years." Izuku said referring to the fact that the laws haven't changed in regards to discrimination and quirk laws since the dawn of quirks. Soon they saw the video of the staff room as all of the staff and the lie detector detective arrived in the room. 

Overall, they were talking about the attack and how the League of Villains caught them with their pants down. As they were talking and filling in the other staff of All For One, Present Mic talked about the possibility of a mole in the school that was feeding information to the League. That caught Izuku's interest and he made notes to look into it since if someone sold themselves out to the villains they would end up on Izuku's target list. "Toga, have the spy team see if they can find any information about any possible spies in UA that the League has. I'm not too fond of them having one in there if they do and if a student or worst a hero sold themselves to All For One, I want to target them. It would also hurt the Leagues' plans in the long-run if they lost their information source." Izuku stated and Toga nodded her head. Izuku himself would look through the first-years records to see if there was anything that might send a flag off for reason they would turn themselves to evil. 

The staff kept talking until they got onto the topic of Verdant. They all asked the detective if the police knew anything about the organization but the detective shook his head. "We know nothing. We never heard of this organization until now and that is concerning that they kept themselves hidden until now. It also is concerning that they are directly opposing All For One which means that they need to have confidence in their force and powers." stated the detective. It was true, Izuku had great confidence in his men. Could they take All For One out directly? no not at all! At least not yet but they were working on quite a lot of inventions that would give them the chance. Just Izuku's exoskeleton made him on par with his Guards without a quirk! Izuku was also working recreating some quirks like Midnights or Eraserheads. He was doing quite well with it and had even recreated quirk-canceling cuffs which were strictly controlled by the government! Now, Izuku had spent a lot of work into getting those done, and when he figured the chemical makeup and everything for it he was joyful that day! Having them meant that his group could sell them on the black market where it was hard to come by them. Most on the market were stolen or imported at sky-high prices. Now, Izuku was trying to recreate the formula to be in a liquid form so they could recreate an anti-quirk bullet to make people lose their quirks temporarily and Izuku was getting mixed results but was making progress.

As they sat there listening, Nezu started to talk. "I think the group isn't strictly a vigilante group. I think... I think they are our enemies as well. It's a 60% chance that they oppose us as well." Nezu stated and everyone was confused and Izuku smirked. "Seems Nezu won't be misdirected by our actions in the U.S.J," Izuku stated as he laughed. The staff asked if they were villains and Nezu was hesitant which shocked the staff. "No... but the Hero Commission will label them as villains regardless. They are more... they are more Anti-Heroes than anything. I believe the Verdant has a lot of hidden objectives and one may include the restructuring of our current society. They most likely believe that the current society has failed and needs to be redone. They likely oppose All For One since he's the current ruler of the underworld and whoever is leading it is aiming to take control of the underworld before flipping society on its head. As such, we might find common ground with them but in the end, they will be our enemies most likely." Nezu stated and the staff tensed at this. This didn't fair well for them to have to deal with All For One and now likely an almost equally powerful group as him. 

Izuku and the guards all broke out into laughter at their faces. "I wonder what they would think if they knew we were spying on them?" Dabi stated and this caused everyone to laugh even more. Soon they calmed down and they listened in more to the meeting. The meeting talked more about trying to find information about the organization and soon Eeraserhead who had recovered due to Recovery Girl said that he will look into it with his contacts. "Everyone make sure everyone is on guard and to limit talk about the organization to the max! Eraserhead can't get any clues on us since he is good at his job and I'd rather not remove him from the board since he's an actual good hero." Izuku said. Everyone knew to send the word out to all of the members once Izuku said that. They all liked Eraserhead as well and didn't want him to be removed out of their way if they could help it but they would do what they needed to do to ensure their goals would be completed. 

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