Chapter 20: Advancing Plans & Growing

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3rd pov:

Izuku sat back at the main base as he was waiting for all of the Verdant Guards and Lieutenants to appear after they were done with all of their work. Izuku was watching the TV though and it was talking about how the Verdant had saved the innocent Inko Midoirya and dealt with the vicious hero commission president and some of the national diet that had approved the disturbing public execution. Now, most of the news that was reporting it like that was owned by Izuku while the others weren't as hard they didn't exactly fault Izuku or the Verdant for what they did. Though they were all talking about the ramifications of Verdant taking over the National Diet building. There was now a large amount of police and heroes surrounding the building by the order of the government. There was also an increasing presence of the JSDF or Japanese Self Defense Force which dealt with any hostile threats that attacked the country or wanted to attack the country. 'To think they already got involved isn't surprising. I didn't want to take such a large step this soon but we got to do it now regardless.' Izuku thought. He was at least glad that they had Twice so they didn't have to waste actual human resources on the guarding of the national diet building. All the people there were clones and a few clones of twice and Dabi to control the building.

The news was also heated about the UA traitor problem. Based on what the spy network was reporting from the bugs, Mineta had been detained and was questioned. The truth came out that he indeed was the mole in UA and indeed lied about Inko Midoriya. It turned out he learned the name from Bakugo when he saw Izuku on the TV at Kamino Ward. Izuku knew that was the likely answer but he was glad to have confirmation now. Mineta was still being held in UA since they didn't know what to do with him. If they threw him out the gates it was certain that Mineta would die at Izuku's hands and UA and the heroes were having a hard time justifying knowingly sending someone to their death while others stated that he was no longer a student but a villain so he should just be given to the police and if anything happens it would no longer be their fault. Izuku just shook their head at UA's stance right now. They were trying to protect their neutrality but also trying to figure out how to not send a person to their death. Izuku didn't blame them in the slightest on how they found the situation complex to solve but Izuku didn't care. Mineta would die one way or another. 

As he came out of his thoughts he was greeted with all of his Guards and Lieutenants coming into the room and sitting down. Inko Midoirya was also in the room and Izuku didn't know how to feel about involving his mother in all of this. "Mother... I don't know how I feel about involving you in all of this... you were never meant to get your hands dirty for my goals." Izuku stated with a tense expression. She shook her head and scolded him. "Sweetie shush. I am apart of this now and it's the government's fault when they tried to execute me for a bullshit reason. I could understand if they imprisoned me but to execute me went too far." Inko said and Izuku just pouted a bit at being scolded in front of his men but let it go. 

"Anyway, it's time to start this meeting. First, thank you for saving my mother. Second, this screws our plans but we can adjust to fit the new direction. I was at first planning to slowly come out of the shadows to demoralize the heroes' side and the government but we will speed that up. I also want to increase our influence across all of Japan and to bring all crime gangs and criminals that meet our pre-set rules under our control. I want to bring crime to a near standstill. This will also provide us more people for the war since I don't want random civilians having to stain their hands for this war. Their public support is enough for me." Izuku stated and everyone nodded their heads.  Soon they started to talk about where they would start expanding towards. As it stood, Izuku controlled everything in the light blue area and the purple area on the map. Izuku wanted everything in the light green under his control since that is where the seat of government was and UA was also at. 

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