Chapter 32: Meeting Pt. 1

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3rd POV:

UA did call the Verdant phone number again and had asked about Bakugo's request to bring his parents with him since they would like to see Inko Midoriya. It was a debate in Izuku's mind on accepting the request but in the end, Izuku gave UA permission to bring the Bakugo's to the meeting because Izuku's mother wanted to talk to them as well. However, in reality, Izuku knew she wanted them there as a way to try and guilt-trip him into not outright killing Bakugo. Izuku though was still highly debating himself on if he would kill Bakugo or not since he has much more important things to do than deal with someone as insignificant as Bakugo because honestly in the grand scheme of things Katsuki Bakugo has become that insignificant to everything that Izuku was now doing! As such, Izuku didn't know if it was worth the trouble to torment and possibly kill Bakugo or not. Now, outside of those thoughts, Izuku was currently standing in the old base looking at the redesign that his Verdant Guards had the members do in the past few days since this base would be used mainly for meetings moving forward with external parties now.

 Now, outside of those thoughts, Izuku was currently standing in the old base looking at the redesign that his Verdant Guards had the members do in the past few days since this base would be used mainly for meetings moving forward with external pa...

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Overall, the room was a circular type room with the main meeting table in the middle that had a map of Japan put on it that showed the current conflict zones with the areas controlled by Verdant marked. Of course, the ones controlled via the underworld were not marked like they would be on a map in his office since he didn't want to show his entire hand as Izuku was a sure Nezu didn't realize yet that Izuku had taken over all of Japan's underworld already. Izuku knew that Nezu had knowledge of the other prefectures being under Verdant control but likely didn't know about all of the other ones fully yet since Nezu had only recently figured out the truth behind them. 

There were also enough chairs at the table to host UA's main teachers in addition to the leaders of Verdant which meant Izuku and his Verdant Guards. Around in the second layer were enough chairs to fit all of the students from 1-A and 1-B if they desired to sit that close but they could choose to sit in the other areas since there were more chairs in the third layer or on the upper section. The room was also designed this way so that the advanced units of Verdant members that would be stationed in the room could have clear views of everything in the room. It was a condition of Izuku being able to go to the meeting himself that was put in place by his Verdant Guards since they didn't want to risk UA or a hero student of the first years getting a bright idea of trying to kill Izuku off. 

"Do you like the room little emperor?" asked a voice that belonged to Stain who had become quite close and treated Izuku like the other Verdant Guards do. Izuku just rolled his eyes at the nickname which he got due to being on the shorter side of all of the Verdant Guards and most members. "Indeed Stain. This is indeed an adequate room for this meeting." Izuku said as he walked around it all. He did notice one chair was a bit more dramatic which he knew was his to sit in. It had a green tint to the wood due to the entire theme of Verdant being green after all. Izuku sat down in the chair and sighed.

"Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I didn't choose this path. Would I be dead on the street due to someone killing me off due to being quirkless or would I have committed suicide because I could no longer bear the pain that society had trusted on people like me and those it deems as weaker?" Izuku said as he started to look back on the past year or so that had passed. That was also something that shocked Izuku when he had started to look back recently on things. It had really only been over a year since he had started all of this to begin with since it was roughly ten months before the UA entrance exam when he ran away from home which meant it had been over 16 months since the start of Verdant. 

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